DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
The European Union (EU) assigns an E-number to each authorised food additive. These numbers are valid in all countries of the European Union (E stands for "Europe", but also for edible). It is not uncommon for the E to be omitted from the name (example: "900" instead of E 900).
General informationThis section has been translated automatically.
In total, there are currently 341 authorised food additives in the EU (see below food additives), 34 groups, as well as other substances in the current authorisation process.
An authorisation is only granted if "there are no health risks, if the additive is technically necessary and if its use does not mislead the consumer".
Additives may only be used after explicit approval. Additives must be marked on the product (declaration of an E-number).
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All food additives are assigned to one or more of the following groups (classes):
Abbreviation Class name
- A Antioxidant (antioxidant)
- B Baking agent
- C Complexing agent
- E Emulsifiers
- F Colourant - food colours
- fattening agent
- FS Colour stabiliser
- G Gelling agent
- GV Flavour enhancer
- K Preservative
- Flour treatment agents
- Min mineral substance
- acidifying agent
- SR Acidity regulator
- SM Foaming agent
- SV Foam control
- SS Melting salt
- anti-roll bar
- Sweetener
- TG Propellant gas, inert gas
- Tr Carrier, filler, release agent
- Ü Coating agent
- V Thickener
- Vitamin Vitamin active substance (vitamins)
- W Humectant