Varicosis (overview) Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Varicosis (overview)
Varicosis: pronounced but not symptomatic varicosis of the lower leg.

Varicosis: non-symptomatic trunk varicosis of the V. saphena magna.

Varicosis on both sides: minor varicosis of both lower legs.

Bilateral varicosis: trunk varicosis of the V. saphena magna; pronounced CVI of both lower legs.

Reticular varices: completely symptomless, only cosmetically disturbing venous plexuses.

Reticular varices: completely asymptomatic, cosmetically disturbing, venous intradermal plexuses.

Anaesthesia: Pronounced reticular varices (spider veins), which start from a sack-shaped dilated vein ball and spread in the dermis like a net.