Scleroderma and coup de sabre Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Scleroderma and coup de sabre
Scleroderma circumscripts (linear scleroderma of the type scleroderma en coup de sabre). 37-year-oldman; 6 months ago this linear depression was observed for the first time (rather coincidentally) on the right and left forehead. They would have become apparent since then.

Circumscribed scleroderma (linear scleroderma of the type scleroderma en coup de sabre). 10-year-oldgirl; 6 months ago this linear, slightly reddened depression on the right half of the forehead was observed for the first time (rather coincidentally). No significant symptoms.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: Rare case of bilateral manifestation in the early inflammatory stage.

Scleroderma en coup de sabre: detailed view.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: for a few months, conspicuous, broad band-shaped reddened plaque.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: streaky induration and discoloration of the forehead skin with slight lowering of the skin level.

Scleroderma en coup de sabre: hairless porcelain-like plaque that has been growing for years.

Scleroderma en coup de sabre:hairless, symptom-free, firm, streaky plaque, which has been known for years and is becoming increasingly larger.

Scleroderma en coup de sabre (2 years later): further increase in size of the sclerotic area.

Scleroderma en coup de sabre: a linear, hairless, slightly sunken plaque in the middle of the forehead that has been slowly increasing for years without any symptoms.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre. band-shaped sclerosis focus from the forehead with hair loss and focal depression of the skull bone.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: symptomless furrow formation in the middle of the foreheadhas been increasing for years.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: since early adolescence, a continuously increasing, symptom-free furrow formation in the middle of the forehead has been known.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: symptomless furrow formation in the middle of the foreheadhas been increasing for years.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: increasing symptomless furrow formation in the middle of the forehead for years, see findings 7 years later.

scléroderma en coup de sabre: for years increasing symptomless furrow formation in the middle of the forehead. condition 7 years later. increasing furrowing of skin and skull bone.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: Band-like sclerotic focus from the forehead to far into the hairy capillitium with hair loss and focal depression of the skull bone.

Scléroderma en coup de sabre: Band-like sclerotic focus from the forehead to far into the hairy capillitium with hair loss and focal depression of the skull bone.