Livedo reticularis Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Livedo reticularis

Livedo reticularis: right shoulder of a 24-year-old woman after sauna visit with cold shower. The completely symptom-free anular erythema disappears completely after 10-20 minutes.

Livedo reticularis: Thigh of a 24-year-old woman after sauna with cold shower; additional findings: Cicatrix after excision of a nevus cell nevus in the middle of the thigh.

Livedo reticularis: functional temperature-dependent livedo image with closed ring structures. 57-year-old, healthy patient with insect bites. Always had these "spots".

Livedo reticularis: temperature dependent closed ring structures; healthy patient with increased sensitivity to cold.

Livedo reticularis: temperature-dependent closed ring structures; the outer rings do not correspond to ring-shaped vessels, but to the peripheral area of a blood supply compartment with low oxygenated blood; schematic drawing on the right, red ring drawing, central feeding vessel in the middle of the blood supply compartment, blue on the outside, the draining vessel with low oxygenated blood.

Livedo reticularis: temperature-dependent closed ring structures. 72-year-old patient with pronounced sensitivity to cold. Several ulcers in the knee area sensitive to pain (so-called cholsterinemolia in massive arteriosclerosis).

Livedo racemosa: for the clinical differentiation of livedo reticularis and livedo racemosa (see also following figure). peculiar linear, lightning-figure-like redness; in livedo reticularis, anular-closed erythema formations are to be expected (S.a. Livedo racemosa).

DD.: Livedo reticularis: here Livedo racemosa: depicts the bizarre "lightning figure-like" non-closed flow zones of the livedo racemosa. the "unphysiological" figures are formed by micro-occlusions in arterioles and venules of the skin. histological findings can only be made if a larger area of skin with a centrally located lightning figure is excised and prepared in series of cuts.