Keratosis actinica keratotic type Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Keratosis actinica keratotic type
Keratosis actinica, keratotic type: In a 75-year-old male patient, adherent keratotic plaques have increasingly developed over the last few years, the mechanical detachment of which is painful; here flat ulcers, crusts, scars.

Keratosis actinica, keratotic type: In a 72-year-old outdoor worker, adherent keratotic plaques have increasingly developed in recent years, the mechanical detachment of which is painful, with a tendency to bleed.

Keratosis actinica keratotic type: 75-year-old man with multiple, differently sized horny, hard, partly sharply and partly blurredly bordered, rough plaques on excessively sun-damaged scalp.