Depigmented nevus Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Depigmented nevus
Naevus depigmentosus: congenital harmless localized pigment disorder, no surface progression. characteristic is, in contrast to the naevus anaemicus, the "calm" smooth-edged border of the spot.

Naevus depigmentosus; since birth existing, completely without sympoma, partly sharply and partly also blurredly (proximal border) limited, large-area, bright spot in the upper arm-shoulder region of a 9-year-old boy which is not tanned by sun exposure.

Naevus depigmentosus: congenital harmless localized pigment disorder, no surface progression. characteristic is, in contrast to the naevus anaemicus, the "calm" smooth-edged border of the spot.

Differential diagnosis: Depigmented nevus: Anaemic nevus. Irregularly scattered edges of the stain. No hyperemia after rubbing.