Instrument zur Einschätzung der Lebensqualität Erwachsener mit atopischem Ekzem (Quality of Life Index for Atopic Dermatitis = QoLIAD), basierend auf einer multizentrischen Studie die in UK, USA, Niederlande, Italien, Frankreich, Spanien und Deutschland durchgeführt wurde. S.a.u. Lebensqualität.
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Fragebogen mit 25 Fragen: Aussagen können mit "trifft zu" oder "trifft nicht zu" beantwortet werden. Der Score reicht von 0-25; hoher Score bedeutet niedrige Lebensqualität.
- I worry about my appearance
- I have no self-confidence
- I avoid physical contact
- I get embarrassed when I am with people I don't know very well
- My life revolves around my condition
- I feel tense all the time
- I just want to shut myself away
- I can't wear the clothes I want to wear
- I feel that people don't want to touch me
- It is always on my mind
- I don't want people to see my skin
- It affects my concentration
- I sometimes feel like crying
- I worry that people will not accept me
- I hate seeing myself in the mirror
- I find it hard to relax
- I can't concentrate on anything else
- I lose a lot of time to my eczema
- I am embarrassed about my appearance
- There is no release from it
- I worry about meeting people
- It stops me doing the things I want to do
- I have to push myself to do things
- The eczema affects everything I do
- I can't bear anyone touching me
LiteraturFür Zugriff auf PubMed Studien mit nur einem Klick empfehlen wir

- Whalley D et al. (2004) A new instrument for assessing quality of life in atopic dermatitis: international development of the Quality of Life Index for Atopic Dermatitis (QoLIAD). Br J Dermatol 150: 274-283