Results for "ulcus"
92 searchresults
Equiseti herba Phytotherapy
...nternal: for accompanying treatment of post-traumatic edema.Externally: poorly healing wounds, e.g. ulcus curisApplicationsas tea, as ethanolic extracts; the extract can also be incorporated 3% in ointment...
Erythromycin Internal medicine
...llitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, whooping cough, pneumonia, skin infections, syphilis, gonorrhea, ulcus molle, diphtheria. Substitute preparation for penicillin allergy; topically for the treatment of ac...
Gastritis, acute K29.1 Internal medicine
...stritis. StatPearls Treasure Island (FL) Bookshelf ID: NBK544250.Blum A L, Siewert J R et al (1982) Ulcus- therapy: ventriculi and duodeni ulcer conservative and surgical therapy. Springer Verlag Berlin /...
Haemophilus Microbiology
...junctivitis and Brazilian purple fever = haemolytic prupura)Haemophilus ducreyi (causative agent of ulcus molle; causative agent of non-venereal chronic ulcers in the tropics)Haemophilus haemolyticus (apat...
Haemophilus ducreyi Microbiology
...egative, immobile bacterium of the genus Haemophilus. Haemophilus ducreyi is the causative agent of ulcus molle.
Herpes simplex recidivans B00.8 Dermatology
...lovir. Differential diagnosis Depending on the localization: Perlèche; Zoster; Impetigo contagiosa; Ulcus vulvae acutum; Panaritium. Complication(s) grafted pyoderma in loco.Formation of poorly healing ulc...
Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1 Internal medicine
...ection of the eye: Zoster ophthalmicus.DD to HSV infection of the genital area: syphilis acquisita; ulcus molle; candidiasis. Complication(s) Severe local or disseminated HSV infections in immunosuppressed...
Hodgkin's lymphoma C81.9 Internal medicine
...lo-nodular exanthema, brownish to livid-red, cutaneous-subcutaneous nodules.Tendency to ulceration: Ulcus lymphogranulomatosus, especially on the trunk, lower abdomen, inguinal and thigh regions, and head....
Horsetail Phytotherapy
...nternal: for accompanying treatment of post-traumatic edema.Externally: poorly healing wounds, e.g. ulcus curisApplicationsas tea, as ethanolic extracts; the extract can also be incorporated 3% in ointment...
Hyperici herba Phytotherapy burns. Empirical medicine: irritable bladder, enuresis nocturna, poorly healing infected wounds, ulcus cruris as an oily preparation Spectrum of action Externally, hyperforin has antibacterial, antivira...
Infectious leg ulcer L98.4 Vascular medicine
Infectious leg ulcer Definition Ulcus cruris in ecthyma, anthrax of the skin, tuberculosis cutis luposa, diphtheria, syphilis III, lepros...
Infusion ulcers T80.8 Dermatology
..., if necessary, early surgical removal of the necrotic area in cooperation with surgeons; see below ulcus cruris. Specific antidotes for the treatment of cytostatic extravasations PreparationMeasureDoxorub...
Kaposi, moriz Dermatology
...( Lichen planus pemphigoides). Among his errors was his thesis on the identity of the pathogens of Ulcus molle and Syphilis (Unitas), as well as the denial of the tuberculous origin of Lupus vulgaris. In...
Lymphedema, primary Q82.0 Vascular medicine
...ity Diagnosis Clinical picture is diagnostic. Complication(s) Chronic erysipelas, therapy-resistant ulcus cruris, increasing physical immobility with consecutive obesity; elephantiasis nostras. Therapy Onl...
Marigold Phytotherapy
...s well as healing ointments, wound tinctures, wound powders, hemorrhoidal ointments, gingivitis and ulcus cruris preparations are justified by their anti-inflammatory and granulation-promoting effect.Recen...
Marigold Allergology well as healing ointments, wound tinctures, wound powder, hemorrhoidal ointments, gingivitis and ulcus cruris preparations are probably based on their anti-inflammatory and granulation-promoting effect....
Marjolin ulcer Vascular medicine
...llular carcinoma (more rarely basal cell carcinoma), which has developed on a long-term ulcer (e.g. ulcus cruris) or a burn scar or radiation scar. Therapy Surgical rehabilitation with evaluation and treat...
Necrobiosis lipoidica L92.1 Dermatology
...II (E11) 13.7%Diabetes mellitus in pediatric collectives (E10) 90%Essential hypertension (I10) 9.2%Ulcus cruris (L97): 7,3%Other venous diseases, varices of the lower extremities (I87/3): 5,7%Obesity (E66...
Neoplastic leg ulcer C44.7 Vascular medicine
...h mostly excessive red granulation tissue and a raised, firm edge wall. Differential diagnosis S.u. Ulcus cruris. Therapy S.u. of the respective underlying disease. Literature Combemale P et al (2007) Mali...
Neuropathic ulcer G63.0 Dermatology
...ons). Arterial ulcers (signs of peripheral circulatory disorder, smoking history)Hypertonic ulcers (ulcus hypertonicus)Traumatic ulcerations (anamnesis)Decubital ulcers (anamnesis, bedriddenness, localizat...
Oedema indurativum A51.0 Dermatology
...ct in the form of a cylindrical or spherical induration, possibly elephantiasis-like swelling. S.a. Ulcus durum. Localization Labia, prepuce, rarely scrotum. Therapy According to Syphilis acquisita.
Ozone therapy Dermatology
...atients. Dermatological indications are radioderm, allergies, especially atopic dermatitis, AVK and ulcus cruris. Implementation External: mixture of 5% ozone and 95% oxygen.I.v.: mixture of 0,05% ozone an...
Pain therapy, drug therapy Dermatology
...inPain, postoperativeBright, sometimes throbbing wound pain, limited to the surgical area.Pain with ulcus crurisKnocking, but also burning or stabbing continuous pain, limited to the wound area.E.g. bullou...