Results for "psoriasis"

707 searchresults

Scoring systems Dermatology Index of Diseases (DIDS)Eczema Area and Severity Score (EASI)Lupus Activity Criteria Count (LACC)Psoriasis Area and Severity Index ( PASI) Rodnan skin score (RSS) in systemic sclerodermaSystemic Lupus Eryth...
Scrotal eczema L30.86 Dermatology
...observed civilized surroundings. Differential diagnosis Candidosis; skin changes in the context of psoriasis vulgaris; pruritus sine materia. Therapy Avoid or reduce the exposure to contact toxins. Topical gl...
Scrotal pruritus L29.1 Allergology (excessive cleanliness)Atopic dermatitis (also as localized minus variant)Lichen planusIntertrigoPsoriasis (intertriginous psoriasis, also occurring in isolation)Pemphigoid bullous (rare)Dyskeratosis follic...
Senile pruritus L29.84 Allergology
...ous diseases, Virus exanthema, T-cell lymphomas, Autoimmune dermatoses, Seb. eczema, Atopic eczema, Psoriasis vulgaris, UrticariaSystemic diseasesRenal diseases, hepatic diseases, hematological diseases, neopl...
Sézary cells Dermatology
...ers, it occurs in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, mycosis fungoides, lupus erythematosus, lichen planus, psoriasis, unspecific chronic dermatitis and in arthritis with synovial secretion. Histology Cells with a lar...
Sézary syndrome C84.1 Dermatology
...oreal photopheresis, photochemotherapy, chemotherapy. Differential diagnosis Clinical:Erythrodermic psoriasis: psoriatic history; frequent pustular formations absent in Sézary syndrome. No tumor cells in perip...
Skabies B86 Dermatology
...o not dig any tunnels. They follow the strategy "bite and run away". DD. Atopic or nummular eczema, psoriasis.Therapy: Antiscabiosa (e.g. permethrin) Differential diagnosis Histological: Allergic contact derma...
Smoking skin lesions F17.1 + Hauterkrankung Dermatology palmaris et plantaris (smokers suffer more often from pustulosis palmoplantaris than non-smokers)Psoriasis vulgaris (clear connection)Dermatitis atopische (connection not clear)Dyshidrotic dermatitis - heav...
Soap bark Phytotherapy
...lly in soaps, especially in hair shampoos, also as an expectorant. Furthermore, local treatments of psoriasis, seborrheic eczema and scalp eczema are carried out with the extractum fluidum. A tincture of soap...
Sodium fumarate Dermatology
Sodium fumarate Definition Topical fumaric acid derivative. Indication Psoriasis capillitii Remember!Doubtful therapeutic principle, as sufficient data for benefit assessment are m...
Solar dermatitis L55.- Dermatology
...ermatitis solaris can act as a trigger factor for other diseases (see also light dermatoses) - e.g. psoriasis vulgaris, systemic lupus erythematosus. Literature Amelot A et al (2014) Phototoxic reaction associ...
Spier, hans wolfgang Dermatology
...irchow Clinic and later at the Steglitz Clinic. Scientific focus: eczema research, skin physiology, psoriasis, lichen ruber.
SPINK7 gene Internal medicine
...sed in healthy human skin. In addition, SPINK7 is upregulated in inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema (Weber C et al. 2017).SPINK7 has been shown to be part of the differentiation program of...
SPINK gene family Internal medicine
...sed in healthy human skin. In addition, SPINK7 is upregulated in inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema (Weber C et al. 2017).SPINK9 encodes the eponymous protein SPINK9 a specific inhibitor o...
Spongiform pustule Dermatology
...ose meshes neutrophil leukocytes are embedded. This histological phenomenon is observed in pustular psoriasis.
Squire, alexander john balmanno Dermatology
...manno Biographical details Introduced chrysarobin, produced from goat powder, into the treatment of psoriasis in 1876.
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis de quervain E06.1 Internal medicine
...ain. German medical weekly 100: 2377-2380Wei YA et al (2018) Subacute thyroiditis in a patient with psoriasis treated with a tumor necrosisfactor-αinhibitor. Int J Dermatol 57:869-871.
Sunflower Phytotherapy
...medicine to treat varicose symptoms and as an antispasmodic. Fruit components are also contained in psoriasis ointments. Helianthus annuus is a parent plant of:Flores Helianthi annui, the extract from the actu...
Sup Dermatology
...n maximum at 305-325 nm. The SUP spectrum proves to be particularly beneficial for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris.
Superantigen Allergology
...other diseases.SAGs have an influence in some skin diseases, such as scarlet fever, atopic eczema, psoriasis vulgaris and mycosis fungoides.
Superficial tinea capitis B35.0 Dermatology
...otillomania: zones of hair loss have jagged (unnatural) boundaries. No surface scaling; no itching. Psoriasis capillitii: Either circumscribed, white-scaly plaques, no alopecia, more rarely also diffuse small...
Sweat gland edema, mucoid L74.8 Dermatology
...finition Edema in the perifocal connective tissue of eccrine sweat glands, e.g. in tumours, also in psoriasis vulgaris.
Syphilide, papulosquamous A51.3 Dermatology in syphilis II, s.a. Corona veneris. Localization Often at the hairline. Differential diagnosis Psoriasis vulgaris, seborrheic eczema, pityriasis lichenoides chronica.
Talimogen laherparepvec Internal medicine
...has been reported.Immune-mediated events: glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, pneumonitis, worsening of psoriasis, and the occurrence of vitiligo have been reported.Plasmocytoma at the injection site: Plasmocytoma...
Tandem therapy Dermatology
...which together give better results than the respective monotherapy. An example is the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris with a modern antipsoriatic agent ( calcipotriol, tacalcitol, tazarotene) and an external...