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15612 searchresults
Angiopoietin Internal medicine
Angiopoietin Definition Angiopoietins are endothelial growth factors that play a role in embryonic an...
Angiopoietin/Tie Pathway Internal medicine
Angiopoietin/Tie Pathway Definition The angiopoietin (Ang)-Tie signaling pathway is an important sign...
Angiotensin i Internal medicine
Angiotonin; Hypertensin
Angiotensin i History Angiotensin was first described in 1940 by I.H. Page. He found that the angiote...
Angiotensin ii Internal medicine
Angiotensin ii Definition Angiotensin II belongs to the group of angiotensins, which form a group of...
Angiotensinogen Internal medicine
Angiotensinogen History Ohkubo et al. 1983 Definition Angiotensinogen is a protein, a prohormone with...
ANGPT1 Gene Internal medicine
ANGPT1 Gene Definition The ANGPT1 gene (ANGPT1 stands for "angiopoietin 1") is a protein-coding gene...
Anic acid Phytotherapy
4-methoxybenzoic acid; CAS No:100-09-4; p-anisic ac...
Anic acid Definition Anise acid is a methoxylated benzoic acid (4-methoxybenzoic acid), an organic ac...
Anifrolumab Internal medicine
Anifrolumab Definition Fully human, IgG1κ monoclonal antibody (mAb) that binds to interferon (IFN) al...
Anion Cosmetology
Anion History The term "anion" refers to the fact that in an electric field, such as during electroly...
Anion gap Allergology
Anion gap Definition An anion gap is the difference between sodium, chloride and bicarbonate and is u...
Anionic neutrophil activating peptides β2 (anap β2) Allergology
Anionic neutrophil activating peptides β2 (anap β2) Go to interleukin-8
Anionic surfactants Cosmetology
Surfactants, anionic
Anionic surfactants Definition Anionic surfactants are mixtures of substances that have a negatively...
Anisakis simplex allergy Allergology
Anisakis simplex allergy; Anisakis simplex hypersen...
Anisakis simplex allergy Definition Anisakis simplex belongs to the nematodes of the genus Anisakis (...
Anisaldehyde Dermatology
Anisaldehyde Definition Anisaldehyde is a colourless, cumarin-like (clover smell) smelling oil which...
Aniseed plant Phytotherapy
aniseed (engl.); aniseed-vargartner; anise(English)...
Aniseed plant Definition Pimpinella anisum the anise plant is a plant of the genus Pimpinella in the...
Anisi aetheroleum Phytotherapy
Anisi aetheroleum Definition So-called true aniseed oil, which is extracted from aniseed fruits by st...
Anisi fructus Phytotherapy
Aniseed; Aniseed fruits; pimpinella anisum
Anisi fructus Definition Anisi fructus, the anise fruits, are the official components of Pimpinella a...
Anistreplase Vascular medicine
Acylated plasminogen streptokinase activator comple...
Anistreplase Definition Anistreplase is a fusion molecule of streptokinase and Lys-plasminogen. The f...
Anisyl alcohol Allergology
INCI designation: Anise alcohol
Anisyl alcohol Definition Anisyl alcohol is a fragrance with allergenic potency
Anisyl alcohol Allergology
INCI designation: Anise alcohol
Anisyl alcohol Definition Anisyl alcohol is a fragrance with allergenic potency
Ankle-arm index (abi) Vascular medicine
Ankle-brachial index; ankle-brachial-pressure-index...
Ankle-arm index (abi) Definition Doppler sonographic measurement of the arterial occlusion pressures...
Ankyrin Internal medicine
Ankyrin Definition Ankyrins are a family of proteins called repeat proteins that contain ankyrin-like...
Ann Arbor Klassifikation für Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome im Kindes- und Jugendalter, St. Jude’s Modifikation Internal medicine
Ann Arbor Klassifikation für Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome im Kindes- und Jugendalter, St. Jude’s Modifikation...
Annatto, bixin, norbixin Allergology
Annatto, bixin, norbixin Definition Carotenoids extracted from the seed crusts of the annatto shrub....
Annexins Internal medicine
Annexins Definition Annexins form a family of Ca2 +-binding proteins. There are now over 100 annexins...