Results for "erythema"

907 searchresults

Dermatitis contact allergic L23.0 Allergology
...pathogenesis S.u. Contact allergy Clinical features 24-48 hours after contact with the allergen, an erythema, which is usually blurred, clearly itchy, inflammatory, and interspersed with tiny blisters or even...
Dermatoses, pustular of the newborn je nach Krankheitsbild Dermatology
...ical pictures. As a large part of the pustular phenomena in newborns occur within the self-limiting erythema neonatorum, it is necessary to differentiate between these and other pustuloses requiring treatment...
Dermatosis chronic bullous of childhood L13.8 Dermatology
...Groin, inner thighs, rare trunk, head and neck. Clinical features Anular or serpiginous, urticarial erythema (may be absent) with marginal, bulging vesicles or blisters. The vesicles are more frequently strun...
Drug reaction fixe L27.1 Dermatology
...nesis The immunopathogenetic mechanism of the fixed drug response is as yet unclear (see also under erythema multiforme).An important role is played by CD8+ memory T cells, which are located in the basal laye...
Eczema (overview) L30.9 Dermatology
...exogenous noxious agents and endogenous reaction factors with typical clinical symptoms (pruritus, erythema, papules, seropapules, vesicles, scaling, crusting, lichenification) and characteristic histologic...
Ekthyma L08 Dermatology
...issue decay with formation of deep, sharply cut ulcers, with greasy purulent coatings and halo-like erythematous fringe. Spreading to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Drying, dirty grey-yellow crusts. Lymphangi...
Endocarditis, abacterial I38 Internal medicine
...A streptococci (Schaps 2007).- E. Libman- Sacks:This is the cardiac manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. Sterile vegetations of the heart valves are typically found, which carries a significant risk...
Eosinophilia and skin Grunderkrankung + D72.1 Dermatology
...inearis circumflexa) - often combined with atopic diseasesUrticaria (inconstant, no leading symptom)Erythema exsudativum multiforme (inconstant).Parasitic diseases (especially when the parasites or their secr...
Eosinophilic cellulitis L98.3 Dermatology
...ined with burning; within a few days formation of circumscribed, mostly large-area, sharply defined erythema, dolent swellings and doughy to firm large-area plaques. The surface of the plaques may have an ora...
Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis L73.8 Dermatology
...lycyclic foci with central regression and peripheral progression may occur. Clinical pictures as in erythema exsudativum multiforme are possible, especially in adults. Healing often occurs with hyperpigmentat...
Erysipelas A46 Dermatology
...13% of cases): mainly cheek area, nasal entrance in rhinitis. (DD: dermatomyositis; systemic lupus erythematosus, rosacea).Trunk (about 3% of cases). Note: a major source as a reservoir of germs is the nasop...
Facial swelling Dermatology
...omenon in infectious exanthema (e.g., viral exanthema (see below Exanthem (DD)Diagnostic symptom in erythema infectiosum (ear slap face)AngioedemaHereditary angioedemaDiffuse, acute and/or chronic facial swel...
Familial mediterranean fever R50.9 Dermatology
...%). 2% of patients develop amyloidosis.Other dermatological phenomena include diffuse palmo-plantar erythema, disseminated purpuric papules on the face, trunk and extremities. Purpura Schönlein-Henoch is ofte...
Flush R23.2 Internal medicine
...ush Definition Frequent functional disorder with attacks of patchy or extensive, bright or deep red erythema on the face and upper half of the body, persisting for a few minutes to an hour, sometimes with a f...
Focus Dermatology
...ndo-, myo-, pericarditis; acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, iridocyclitis, chorioiditis, retinitis, erythema nodosum, erythema exsudativum multiforme, Id reaction, chronic urticaria, eruptive-exanthematic for...
Focus Dermatology
...ndo-, myo-, pericarditis; acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, iridocyclitis, chorioiditis, retinitis, erythema nodosum, erythema exsudativum multiforme, Id reaction, chronic urticaria, eruptive-exanthematic for...
Folliculitis barbae L73.8 Dermatology
...area on chin, lips and cheeks. Clinical features Succulent follicular and also extensive, deep red erythema and red plaques with numerous disseminated or grouped inflammatory follicular papules and pustules,...
Gloves and socks syndrome, papulopurpuric L23.8 Dermatology
...trical, mainly acral (hands and feet) localized, painful dermatitis with succulent 0.1-0.3 cm large erythema, confluent papules and extensive petechiae. Confluence also results in large patches that extend be...
Glucagonom D13.7 Internal medicine
...herapy-resistant, scaly, sometimes pustular, often perioral, but also inguinal localized dermatitis(erythema necrolyticum migrans). Furthermore, cheilitis and atrophic glossitis. Psychological changes are not...
Graft-versus-host disease acute L99.1- Dermatology light-exposed areas showing more severe symptoms. Clinical features Itching, pressure pain and erythema palmoplantar and retroauricular. Within 24 hours a polymorphic, mostly maculopapular, morbilliform...
Haart Dermatology
...s at the injection site, flu-like symptoms Enfuvirtide (T-20)FuzeonReactions at the injection site (erythema, urtica) hypodermic injection2 times/day 90 mg (1 ml) s.c.* normal kidney function, body weight &gt...
Harber syndrome Q82.8 Dermatology
Harber syndrome Definition Probably autosomal dominant inherited persistent facial erythema. Manifestation Early youth. Clinical features Persistent, diffuse erythema with numerous red follic...
Hebra, ferdinand of Dermatology
...ield at the time. This appeared in 10 editions between 1856-1876. 1860 clinical characterization of erythema nodosum; 1866 first description of erythema exsudativum multiforme. Further pioneering descriptions...
Hypereosinophilia syndrome D72.1 Dermatology
...sions (60% of affected persons) are multiform and variable. Severe pruritus is constant, urticarial erythema, papulovesicles, red papules and nodules(hypereosinophilic dermatitis). Furthermore: eosinophilic a...
Autosomal recessive ichthyosis lamellosa with transglutaminase deficiency Q80.2 Dermatology
...calp as well as the flexures of the joints. Erythroderma with fine, white, loose scales or discrete erythema beneath the overlying scaling may occur. Prominent, planar or insular palmo-plantar keratoses (see...