A crop belonging to the cruciferous family, related to mustard, turnips and cabbages. There are radishes with red, pink, white or black roots and, in the broadest sense, radishes also belong to the radish family.
Already known as a medicinal plant in ancient Egypt, radishes, along with garlic, were an important part of the diet of the builders of the pyramids to maintain their health.
Effect: Stimulates metabolism, aids digestion, expectorant, antispasmodic, rich in vitamin C. Studies indicate an anti-diabetic effect (Banihani SA 2017). In animal experiments, a reduction in plasma cholesterol levels and the dissolution of gallstones were observed (Castro-Torres IG et al. 2014).
Syrup, especially black radish syrup, has been administered for coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough, spasmodic cough, kidney weakness and kidney stones.