Three major pathogens of human bartonellosis are known and well described:
Bartonella bacilliformis (endemic to limited areas of the Andes) causes 2 distinct diseases:
Oroya fever as a severe and often septic form of the disease.
Verruca peruana as a cutaneous form with verrucous papules and nodules on the hands and face.
Bartonella quintana(Febris quintana =Wolhynian fever). Five-day fever transmitted by lice and originally seen in soldiers of World War 1 and 2.
Bartonella henselae(cat scratch disease; in immunocompromised patients; bacillary angiomatosis, edocarditis, encephalitis).
The genus Bartonella yet other less well described species, several of which are human pathogenic (Jacomo V 2002).
Bartonella clarridgeiae is possibly another causative agent of cat scratch disease
Bartonella elizabethae
Bartonellavinsonii subsp. berkhoffii can cause endocarditis
Bartonellavinsonii subsp. arupensis was found in a patient with fever and valvulopathy
Bartonella grahamii can cause uveitis (Jacomo V 2002).