Toxic epidermal necrolysis. detailed view of a solitary, acutely occurring, perimamillary, sharply defined, slightly weeping, extensive, erosive detachment of the skin. the sample biopsies showed a vacuum-associated interfacial dermatitis with epidermal keratinocyte necroses.
Atopic eczema in children/adolescents: 3-year-old toddler with previously known atopic eczema; for several weeks increasing severe eczematization with excruciating itching, elevated nummular (also borderline) crusty and weeping plaques; evidence of gram-positive coccus.
Psoriasis vulgaris Psoriatic plaques around a larger and smaller (between the senile angioma shown above and the melanocytic nevus shown on the right) seborrhoeic keratoses (see also nevus, melanocytic, Meyerson's nevus).
Mycosis fungoides: Plaque stage. 53-year-old man with multiple, disseminated, 1.0-5.0 cm large, in places also large, moderately itchy, clearly consistency increased, red rough plaques. development over 4 years.
Erythema chronicum migrans: Oval, slowly growing, completely symptom-free, red-brown, homogeneously filled stain, slightly darkened in the centre. persists for about 2 months. healing under 2-week therapy with doxycyline (200 mg). stain was still visible 6 months after completion of antibiotic therapy.
lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous: clinical picture known for several years, occurring within 14 days, at the time of admission still with intermittent course. anular pattern. in the current intermittent phase fatigue and exhaustion. ANA 1:160; anti-Ro/SSA antibodies positive. DIF: LE - typical.
Lupus erythematodes tumidus: Plaques existing for 3 months, localized on the back and face, irregularly distributed, sharply defined, 0.2-3.0 cm in size, flatly raised, clearly increased in consistency, slightly sensitive, red, smooth plaques; no significant scaling.
Mycosis fungoides follikulotrope: 10-year-old girl with generalized folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides. foudroyant course of the disease which made a stem cell transplantation necessary
Parapsoriasis en plaques, grandiose: completely symptomless, sharply defined, disseminated spots and plaques; only when the skin is folded does a cigarette-paper-like pseudoatrophic architecture of the skin surface become visible (important diagnostic sign!).
Acute contact allergic eczema with scattering reaction after application of a gel containing diclofenac; linear patterns (Koebner phenomenon) in the upper third of the dermatitis.
Tinea corporis in immunodeficiency. 24 x 18 cm large, chronic (>12 months), anular, not pre-treated, itchy plaque (inlet: marginal zone enlarged) with delicate Collerette-like marginal scaling.
Basal cell carcinoma, superficial, supposedly only existing for 1/2 year, which was treated as mycosis. Sharply demarcated to the surrounding skin, not itchy (!), reddish-brown, only moderately indurated plaque, with interspersed erosions and crustal deposits. On the left and at the bottom a slight walllike border is detectable; clinical indication of a basal cell carcinoma. Finally the classification is only possible by histological examination (3 mm punch biopsy is sufficient).
Lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous. general view: multiple, solitary or confluent, small to large foci, sharply defined, partly homogeneous circular, partly also anular and gyrated, plaques with scales and crusts, trunk and extremities. 68-year-old female patient.
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