Artifacts. flat erythema with sharp angular border lines, allegedly existing since 1 week in a left-handed woman. rapid healing under bandages (diagnostically almost proving an artificial mechanism). the signal character typical for a genuine dermatosis is missing!
Drug exanthema, maculo-papular. multiple, acute, since 3 days generalized, disseminated, dense, blurred, isolated, 0.2-10.0 cm large, isolated and aggregated to homogeneous areas, itchy, red, smooth spots. appearing 4 days after taking antibiotics because of a flu-like infection.
Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. 58-year-old patient with a generalized, spot-like clinical picture which has existed for many years and shows a constant progression; itching during sweat-inducing efforts and mechanical exposure of the affected skin areas.
Urticaria pigmentosa/progression: patient as before, 10 years later. in the meantime almost extensive infestation due to confluence of the flock. lbaortechnical indications for systemic infestation.
Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome: extensive vascular malformation with extensive nevus flammeus affecting the trunk and both arms. So far no evidence of soft tissue hypertrophy. No AV fistulas.
ecchymosis syndrome, painful, intermittent manifestation of painful skin bleeding in a 48-year-old man. initial development of oedematous, overheated, pressure-sensitive erythema. subsequent development of skin bleeding and slow expansion of the skin changes. scarless healing after 1-2 weeks. in the present case, there was a severely pronounced clinical picture with multiple accompanying symptoms, especially fever, weight loss, fatigue, muscle and headaches, arthralgia, epistaxis, haemoptysis and haematuria.
Livedo reticularis: right shoulder of a 24-year-old woman after sauna visit with cold shower. The completely symptom-free anular erythema disappears completely after 10-20 minutes.
Lupus erythematodes tumidus: Plaques existing for 3 months, localized on the back and face, irregularly distributed, sharply defined, 0.2-3.0 cm in size, flatly raised, clearly increased in consistency, slightly sensitive, red, smooth plaques; no significant scaling.
Mycosis fungoides follikulotrope: 10-year-old girl with generalized folliculotropic Mycosis fungoides. foudroyant course of the disease which made a stem cell transplantation necessary
Lupus erythematosus, subacute-cutaneous. general view: multiple, solitary or confluent, small to large foci, sharply defined, partly homogeneous circular, partly also anular and gyrated, plaques with scales and crusts, trunk and extremities. 68-year-old female patient.
Drug exanthema after ingestion of a cephalosporin. 4 days after continuous intake of the antibiotic, sudden (overnight) development of this moderately itchy, maculo-papular exanthema. Noticeable is the emphasis on UV-exposed areas. However, UV exposure of these skin areas was (demonstrably) months ago.
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