Lichen simplex chronicus. detail enlargement: Strongly itchy, 0.1-0.2 cm large, solid, sharply defined, flat, skin-coloured to reddish papules and plaques as well as scratch excoriations.
Nevus melanocytic congenital differential diagnosis: Becker nevus: During puberty and postpubertal increasing hairiness of a nevus previously only visible as a brown spot. No symptoms. Typical for the Becker nevus is the "frayed" demarcation to normal skin.
Lichen simplex chronicus: chronic plaque consisting of peripherally disseminated, solid, red papules confluent in the centre of the lesion; intermittent itching leading to unsuppressible scratching
Netherton syndrome: clinical picture already manifested in childhood with the formation of large, also circulatory, garland-like, brown-red or red surface-rough, scaly plaques; numerous type I sensitizations.
Porokeratosis linearis unilateralis: Multiple, chronically stationary, first appeared 2 years ago, since then persisting, on the lower abdomen half-sided localized, striped, 0.2-4.0 cm large, partly isolated, partly confluent to larger areas, brown, rough papules and plaques.
Generalized atopic eczema: Exacerbated, generalized seizure-like itchy dermatitis with multiple, chronically dynamic, symmetrical, blurred, red, rough, flat plaques as well as flat, dry scaling red spots in a 19-year-old female patient.
Erysipelas, acute: under high fever, , within 2 days appeared, sharply limited flat, saturated redness and plaque formation of the left buttock. accompanying: painful regional lymphadenitis.
eczema, photoallergic. 51-year-old female patient. generalized skin disease with 0.2-0.4 cm large, red, slightly scaly papules (see lower margin of the picture), which have merged into flat plaques on the exposed skin areas. sudden spread. appearance within a few weeks after infection, intake of antibiotics as well as later exposure to sunlight.
DRESS: 4 weeks after taking carbemazepine, appearance of this generalized maculo-papular exanthema. onset in the face with spreading to the whole body. marked itching.
papillomatosis confluens et reticularis. since several years increasing discoloration and thickening of the skin of the sternoepigastric area. similar foci still exist on the trunk and neck. no other disease known.
Acanthosis nigricans maligna: Generalized infestation with hyperkeratotic, partially excoriated papules on symmetrically formed yellow-brown hyperpigmentations in a 75-year-old female patient with ovarian cancer.
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