Usual melanocytic nevus. Brownish, roundish, 0.3 cm in diameter, sharply defined, soft, asymptomatic, smooth papule in the region of the right areola of a 26-year-old woman. No size growth in recent years.
Molluscum contagiosa: colourful picture with multiple, 0.2-0.3 cm large, yellowish, firm, shiny, sometimes itchy nodules; furthermore small scars and crusty, reddened papules (molluscs in spontaneous healing).
Lichen planus exanthematicus. symmetricgeneralized distribution pattern of Lichen planus. the densification of the efflorescences in the belt region is to be interpreted as (pressure-induced) Koebner phenomenon.
Scabies granulomatosa; after antiscabial therapy persistent, severely itching, reddish-brown, solitary or grouped papules in an 81-year-old resident who had been treated with lindane in a scabies epidemic.
Malasseziafolliculitis: Disseminated follicle-associated inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 53-year-old female patient with melanocytic naevi and isolated seborrheic keratoses.
Hemangioma targetoides hemosiderotic: asymptomatic, violet to brownish papules and nodules surrounded by a pale zone, which is externally enclosed by an ecchymotic ring (shooting target shape) Illustration from the collection of Dr. med. Michael Hambardzumyan.
Dermatitis herpetiformis: Multiple, prickly, itchy, scratched excoriations in a 35-year-old female patient; the disease has existed for about 1 year with intermittent course.
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