Image diagnoses for "Sole of Foot", "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "yellow"
11 results with 23 images

Verruca plantaris B07
verrucae plantares. sole of the foot in a 13-year-old competitive swimmer. painfulness during walking. lesions increasing since about 3 years. findings: aggregation, numerous, up to 2-4 mm large, clearly indurated horn crater with a slightly raised lateral horn wall (see left part of the picture). rough surface with whitish scaling. in some lesions approximately pinhead-sized, dark spot hemorrhages; see left part of the picture below.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
psoriasis palmaris et plantaris. dry keratotic plaque type. chronically inpatient psoriasis palmaris et plantaris known for years. massive, flat, extremely horny, rough, yellow-brown plaques in the area of the mechanically stressed areas of the sole of the foot. horn plates already detached at the edges. essential inflammatory phenomena are missing.

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma Q82.8

Callus (overview) L84
Callus: circumscribed pressure callus in diabetic polyneuropathy; extensive erythema of the sole of the foot in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma Q82.8

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma Q82.8
Keratosis palmoplantaris papulosa seu maculosa. since earliest childhood known keratosis anomaly of the hands (here less conspicuous) and feet, which is not disturbing so far. multiple, differently sized, wart-like horny cones with rough, scaly surface.

Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa with mutations in KRT 9 Q82.8
Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa circumscripta: Equiform, non-transgenic, diffuse hyperkeratosis of the soles of the feet and palms of the hands.

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma Q82.8

Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic L85.1
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic; acquired, spike-like hyperkeratosis on palms of hands and soles of feet.

Verruca plantaris B07
Verrucae plantares. multiple solid verrucae, solid papules, which in places are also aggregated. in the centre painful when strong pressure is applied.

Verruca plantaris B07
Verrucae plantares. Chronic recurrent, rough, rough, yellow-greyish, sooted papules and plaques on the planta pedum of a 47-year-old man that have been present for several years. Furthermore, there are multiple, skin-coloured or reddish scars in cases of multiple surgical removal of warts.

Keratosis palmoplantaris cum degeneratione granulosa Q82.8

Verruca plantaris B07
Verrucae plantares: papules and plaques on the sole of the foot of a 52-year-old man, which have been present for several years, and which cause considerable pain when walking.

Psoriasis (Übersicht) L40.-
psoriasis: here partial manifestation of a generalised psoriasis. plaques, papules, papulo-pustules. massive, in places weeping scale overlays. no pre-treatment.

Hand and foot eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiformes L24.9

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris: mixed type with keratotic plaques, dyshidrotic vesicles and pustules.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis plantaris, dry keratotic plaque type, chronic extensive hyperkeratosis which had led to a clear pain sympotism when running.