Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)"
570 results with 2865 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: after exposure to sunlight the findings worsen significantly with persistent, moderately sharply defined, symmetrical, non-scaling red plaques.
Typical - butterfly pattern - with a free perioral triangle. Bridge of nose, upper eyelids and tip of chin are affected.
Raynaud's phenomenon; disturbance of the general condition with arthralgia, fever up to 38°C.

Leukoplakia oral (overview) K13.2
Leukoplakia, oral: chronically inpatient (duration unclear), 1.5 x 3.0 cm in size, painless, slightly increased in consistency, white plaque, slightly sour, cannot be wiped off with a spatula. nicotine abuse for 25 years.

Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic L85.1
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic: the thoracic view shows disseminated, yellowish-brownish keratotic plaques, which condense in the area of the Areolae mamillae as well as centrothoracally in the sternal region; in the sternal region aspect of the seborrhoeic eczema (but the inflammatory component is missing).

Lichen planus mucosae L43.8
Lichen planus mucosae: white papules and plaques of the buccal mucosa, which condense at the end of the teeth. extensive infestation of the tongue. the mucosal changes have existed for a few months and occurred in the course of an exanthematic lichen planus.

Leukoplakia K13.2
Leukoplakia of the glans with accompanying balonoposthititis and beginning transformation into a penis carcinoma.

Sarcoidosis of the skin D86.3
Sarcoidosis: chronic sarcoidosis without detectable organ involvement. Two to 1.5 cm large, anular, completely symptom-free, brown-red plaques with a smooth surface. The distribution pattern on the back of the hand is random.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma (linear type) "Burnt out" linear scleroderma with blurred, clearly indurated, whitish atrophic plaques without any signs of inflammation; apart from a slight feeling of tension no other subjective symptoms.

Nevus verrucosus Q82.5
Naevus verrucosus unius lateralis: multiple, chronically inpatient plaques, existing since birth, clearly raised, large-area, running along the Blaschko lines, firm, symptomless, grey-brown, rough, wart-like plaques.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic (overview): severe, universal (erythrodermic) atopic eczema. exacerbation phase since about 3 months. patient with rhinitis and conjunctivitis with pollinosis. total IgE >1.000IU.

Cutaneous t-cell lymphomas C84.8
Lymphoma cutaneous T cell lymphoma: primarily cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic CD8+ T cell lymphoma with multiple purple plaques.

Ilven Q82.5
ILVEN: 5-year-old girl in whom flat and linear plaques in a characteristic arrangement along the Blaschko lines were noticed since the first year of life (not detectable at birth). This bizarre pattern marks the changes as a cutaneous mosaic and thus as a harmlessoma of the skin. For half a year the inflammatory character has been increasing.

Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris Q82.8
Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris: Chronic dynamic (changing course), smearily covered, sharply defined, red, rough plaque with multiple erosions that become gaping and streaky when stretched (accordion phenomenon).

Parapsoriasis en plaques large L41.4
Parapsoriasis en plaques, large-heart form: a few months after pregnancy, the 39-year-old patient noticed these flat, brownish, blurred plaques on the upper arm.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Extrinsic atopiceczema: eminently chronic, somewhat asymmetrical eczema with blurred, itchy, red, rough, flat plaques. known (only slightly pronounced) rhinoconjunctivitis allergica. I.A. variable course with activity spurts ("overnight"). IgE normal. no atopic FA.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Generalized circumscribed scleroderma: large-area evenly indurated sclerosis of the skin, skin with a shiny, reflective surface.