Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "yellow", "Scalp (hairy)"
8 results with 16 images

Crusta lactea L30.8
Crusta lactea: Sharply defined, yellowish, greasy scaly and crusty coatings on the capillitium of a 4-month-old infant.

Psoriasis vulgaris L40.00
Psoriasis vulgaris. p soriasis of the scalp (untreated condition). Chronic stationary, disseminated, silvery scaling, large-area, adherent plaques of a previously skin-healthy 6-year-old boy, localized at the capillitium. Remark: In contrast to seborrhoeic eczema of the scalp, psoriasis exceeds the line of the hairline.

Nevus sebaceus Q82.5
Naevus sebaceus: hairless plaque in the capillitium of a 14-year-old girl, existing since birth; progressive yellow/brown coloration in recent years.

Favus B35.0
Favus. solitary, acute, approx. 3.0 x 2.5 cm, acutely acute, approx. 3.0 x 2.5 cm in size, localized on the capillitium, sharply defined, plumply raised, clearly increased in consistency, white, rough, with yellow crusts, asymptomatic plaque in a 7-year-old boy. A slight mouse urine smell was noticed during the examination.

Nevus sebaceus Q82.5
Naevus sebaceus: Hairless spot (plaque) existing since birth in the capillitium of a 4-year-old boy with progressive yellow coloration and increasing thickness growth in the last months.

Nevus sebaceus Q82.5
Naevus sebaceus: chronically inpatient, solitary, approx. 4.0 x 2.0 cm, sharply defined, oily shiny, sour, orange-coloured, consistency increased, flatly elevated, symptomless plaque on the capillitium of a 35 years old patient, existing since birth. Within the skin change, at the lower right edge, a solitary bright round papule is visible.

Keratosis actinica keratotic type 57.00
Keratosis actinica keratotic type: 75-year-old man with multiple, differently sized horny, hard, partly sharply and partly blurredly bordered, rough plaques on excessively sun-damaged scalp.

Favus B35.0
Favus: multiple asymptomatic plaques in a 6-year-old boy, existing since 4 weeks, sharply defined, clearly increased in consistency, with yellow scaly crusts.

Nevus sebaceus Q82.5
sebaceous nevus: bizarrely configured, sharply bordered to the healthy skin, asymptomatic, hairless, relatively soft, verrucous plaque on the capillitium of a 28-year-old man. Before puberty only a hairless reddish-brown spot is noticeable. For several months development of brownish verrucous parts as well as two reddish papillomatous tumors (see upper parts of the nevus). Histological diagnosis of the proximal tumor: basal cell carcinoma.

Impetigo contagiosa, small vesicles L01.0
Impetigo contagiosa, small vesicles: Pronounced impetigo in a 14-year-old Ethiopian girl, no pretreatment so far.

Nevus sebaceus Q82.5
Naevus sebaceus:Hairless, completely symptomless, verrucous plaque in the capillitium of a 25-year-old man, existingsincebirth; in recent years progressive verrucous growth.

Atopic dermatitis in infancy L20.8
Atopic dermatitis in infancy: clinical picture of the so-called milk crust; here a maximum variant with an area-wide infection of the capillitium is shown.