Image diagnoses for "Oral mucosa", "Skin defects (superficially, deep)", "red"
23 results with 52 images

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema exsudativum multiforme. chronic dynamic erosive gingivitis with reactive squamous epithelial hyperplasia and partially superficial mucous membrane erosions in a 66-year-old female patient with histologically confirmed lichen planus mucosae. severe pain during oral hygiene and close-up. all regions of the oral cavity are affected.

Lichen planus mucosae L43.8
Lichen planus erosivus mucosae. painful gingivitis existing for more than one year in cases of currently unsuccessful therapies by the dentist. overall progressive course. chronically stationary, extensive, border-like, painful erythema and erosions as well as extensive whitish plaques are visible.