Image diagnoses for "Lip region", "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "red"
23 results with 43 images
Results forLip regionPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)red

Chemical peeling

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Chronic cheilitis in lupus erythematosus chronicus discoides. Chronically active, red, hyperesthetic plaques with adherent scaly deposits on the red of the upper and lower lip.

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Lupus erythematosus: cutaneous chronic (scarring) lupus erythematosus (chronic discoid lupus erythematosus). years of progression with circumscribed red scarring plaques (circle - with whitish scarring - atrophic area without follicular structure): arrow: dermal melanocytic nevus.

Stevens-johnson syndrome L51.1
Stevens-Johnson syndrome: acute, extensive, painful erosions of the red of the lips, the lip mucosa, the tongue and the gingiva in an 18-year-old woman.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Chronic cheilitis in lupus erythematosus chronicus discoides: chronically active, red, hyperesthetic plaques with adherent scaly deposits on the lip red of the upper and lower lip; focal areas affected are lip red and lip skin.

Cheilitis contact allergic K13.0
Cheilitis contact allergic: tensed and touch-sensitive and clearly indurated lip red with radial furrows. transition to lip skin blurred. lip skin reddened, lichenified and scaly in places

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: chronic, cutaneous lupus erythematosus in an adolescent

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Lupus erythematosus chronicus: chronic, cutaneous lupus erythematosus with scaly touch-sensitive plaques; no ANA or DNA ac.

Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L
Basal cell carcinoma, solid, sharply defined, slow-growing, approx. 5 mm diameter, smooth, shiny, rough papules.

Lupus erythematosus (overview) L93.-
Systemic lupus erythematosus: symmetrical erythema that is true to the site of the disease.

Cheilitis simplex K13.0
Differential diagnosis of cheilitis simplex - in this case a cheilitis granulomatosa with accompanying cheilitis simplex and perlèche.

Lichen planus classic type L43.-

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Cheilitis granulomatosa - here partial symptom of a Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome: solitary, for months recurrent, clearly consistency increased, indolent, red, smooth swelling of the upper lip. Simultaneously occurring furrowing of the tongue relief (lingua plicata). One-time short-term paralysis of the left side of the face (facial nerve paresis). Occasionally migraine-like headache.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: persistent, light-provocable, deep red plaques in the face of a 22-year-old female patient; detailed view with depiction of red lips (affected) and perioral region.

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Cheilitis granulomatosa: initially recurrent, now chronic persistent swelling of the upper and lower lip.

Basal cell carcinoma sclerodermiformes C44.L

Lichen sclerosus extragenital L90.0
Lichen sclerosus extragenitaler: Progressive lichen sclerosus for 2 years with a clearly sunken scarring of the lower lip and chin; surrounding, flat, blurred, clearly consistent plaque with a red-white coloration in the chin area (here the clinical features of the lichen sclerosus are visible).