Erythema induratum. 52-year-old secretary has been suffering for 3 years from this moderately painful lesion running in relapses. Findings: Clinical examination o.B. Local findings: 10 cm in longitudinal diameter large, firm plaque, interspersed with cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules. In the centre scarring, on the edge deep, poorly healing ulcerations (here crusty evidence).
Ulcus cruris arteriosum:Painful arterial leg ulcer of the lower leg and the back of the foot that has been present for 1 year and is continuously growing and sharply defined; proven PAVK in smokers' history and type 2 diabetes; destruction of tendons (arrow markings).
Multiple, round, "eczematous" flat, sharply defined ulcerations in an otherwise healthy 27-year-old female patient. CVI, AVK or immunological underlying diseases were not detectable.
Pyoderma gangränosum. initial findings lasting for years with therapy resistant ulcers. hypertrichosis after several months of unsuccessful therapy with cyclosporine.
Artifacts: Multiple weeping ulcers without apparent reason, non-itching flat ulcers up to 3.0 cm in diameter in an otherwise completely healthy patient.
Ulcus cruris venosum. solitary, chronically stationary, retroangulary localized (typical CVI position), 7.0 x 4.0 cm in size, sharply and angularly limited, moderately painful (depending on position), red ulcer. extensive, brown induration of the ulcer environment (dermatolipofasciosclerosis). detectable chronic venous insufficiency.
Wegener's granulomatosis: ulcer of about 5.0 x 5.0 cm in size localized at the left inner malleolus and extending into the subcutis in a 23-year-old woman. in the ulcerous surroundings there is an erythematous rim measuring about 2.5 cm. the rim of the ulcer is bizarrely configured. the ulcer is extremely dolent and yellowish fibrinous.
Lichen (ruber) planus ulcerosus: extensive infestation of the feet with verrucous and crusty deposits and therapy-resistant deep ulcers with rough edges.
Ulcus cruris venosum. infected (Pseudomonas aeroginosa), with yellowish-greenish coatings overlaid ulceration covering the lower leg in a 78-year-old female patient with CVI. Heavily inflamed wound edges; very severe pain. pain relief with elevated position of the leg.
Acropathia ulcero-mutilans familiaris. large, completely areactive ulcer (at pressure point) extending to the heel bone. the 40-year-old patient has been suffering from peripheral polyneuropathy for more than 10 years with sensory disturbances for pain, temperature and touch. babinski sign is positive!
Ulcus cruris mixtum. solitary, chronically dynamic, 2-year-old ulcer, strongly progressive for 6 weeks, 30 x 20 cm in size, sharply defined, yellow-red ulcer reaching down to the muscle fascia, with a smeary coating. strong foetor (gram-negative colonization). evidence of CVI and PAVK (permanent pain, with improvement when the legs are deeply embedded).
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