Acne cystica, densely sown, yellowish-white, skin-coloured sebaceous retention cysts and numerous "ice-pick" scars in the cheek and chin area of a 34-year-old woman.
rosacea fulminans: acute flare with numerous, painful, sometimes confluent pustules. no general symptoms. no long-term pretreatment with external glucocorticoids.
Basal cell carcinoma, nodular. 74-year-old female patient, solitary, continuously growing for 2 years, measuring 1.5 x 1.2 cm, indolent, firm, skin-coloured, covered with telangiectases, rough, knot with a bulging, shiny surface.
Folliculitis (superficial folliculitis): 33-year-old man; recurrent, single inflammatory follicular papules on the lips, nose and forehead; heals after 10-14 days without scarring.
Demodex folliculitis: chronic bilateral follicular dermatitis with extensive reddening. previously known rosacea. for months, however, unexpected significant worsening of the findings. S following figure.
Dyskeratosis follicularis: Large, hyperkeratotic zones existing since early childhood with reddish, partly macerated papules and firmly adhering, partly eroded, confluent keratoses on the capillitium of a 74-year-old woman.
Lichtermatosis polymorphic: Occurrence of clinical symptoms a few hours to days after (single and first-time) intensive sun exposure with itching and burning, disseminated papules and papulo-pustules also papulo-vesicles.
adenoma sebaceum: diffuse distribution of skin-coloured, shiny papules and plaques. conspicuously bizarre telangiectasias, partly present in the papules and in the surrounding area. no folliculitis, no comedones.
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