Image diagnoses for "Anal region"
25 results with 46 images
Results forAnal region

Anal carcinoma C44.5

Anal fistula K60.30

Anal fistula K60.30

Bowenoids papulose A63.0

Bowenoids papulose A63.0
Bowenoid papulosis. 3 x 3 cm area with a verrucous, skin-coloured, central whitish keratotic-derbal nodule localised in SSL perianal at 12 and 1 o'clock. Multiple skin-coloured tumours in the perianal circumference. Two lenticular, dark brown, flat raised plaques, each 0.6 cm in size, with a smooth surface, appear on the left perineum. On the right labia majora there is a brownish-red, slightly infiltrated plaque with a smooth surface. The finding occurred in a 41-year-old woman who had been infected with HIV for 20 years (AIDS full picture stage C3).

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata, perianal and extraanal soft cauliflower-like tumors.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Perianal and scrotal localized small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft papules in a 24-year-old patient.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata. multiple, partly solitary, partly disseminated standing, 0.2-0.7 cm large, macerated papules and plaques with a verrucous surface. the findings shown here are after multiple surgical ablation under currently running local therapy with imiquimod.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata in an infant; perianal, scrotal and inguinal small, pointy-headed, reddish, soft, rough papules.

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Perianal localized, partly beet-like aggregated, laterally and medially also isolated, small, pointy-headed, reddish to brownish, soft papules and nodes in a 20-year-old patient.

Condylomata lata A51.3
Condylomata lata: broadly seated, oozing, perianal papules. secondary stage of syphilis acquisita. there is infectivity!

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis: less symptomatic, partly isolated, partly areal aggregated papules of the anal region; occasional maceration and malodorous

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis. infestation of the Rima ani. chronic, intertriginous, whitish sooty, blurred, macerated, superficially rough, clearly increased in consistency, itchy and unpleasant smelling plaques. peripherally the characteristic picture of dyskeratosis follicularis with disseminated red or red-brown papules. on the left side 2 melanocytic nevi.

Melanotic spots of the mucous membranes L81.4

Intertriginous psoriasis L40.84
Psoriasis intertriginosa: chronic, intertriginous focus with maceration in the rima ani. intermittent itching, especially after sweating or prolonged sitting. also formation of painful fissures.

Intertriginous psoriasis L40.84
Psoriasis intertriginosa: circumscribed, sharply defined, red, rough plaque with erosion and maceration as well as formation of a rhagade in the area of the rima ani. considerable symptoms (itching, especially after prolonged sitting or sporting activity) and resistance to therapy.
Remark: In this case a systemic therapy with fumaric acid ester is recommended.

Scabies nodosa B86.x

Tinea corporis B35.4

Fixed drug eruption L27.1
Drug reaction, fixed: solitary or limited to a few lesions, usually round to oval, deep red, later blue to brown-red, after healing brownish, sharply defined, succulent, itchy or slightly painful erythema.

Atopic anal dermatitis L20.8
Eczema, anal eczema, atopic dermatitis, chronic ekezmatouschanges of the perianal region with known atopic diathesis.

Ain D48.5

Acuminate condyloma A63.0
Condylomata acuminata, finding in an infant with multiple small papules with few symptoms.

Larva migrans B76.9
Larva migrans. itchy disease of an infant. occurred after a stay in kenya 1 week ago. several, at the buttocks localized, irregularly distributed, sharply defined, linear, firm, red, smooth structures.

Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris Q82.8
pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris: extensive (changing course), greasy covered, moderately sharply defined, red, verucose plaques. permanent itching. arrows mark small roundish and also linear erosions. weeping. foetor.