Image diagnoses for "Swelling"
87 results with 250 images
Results forSwelling

Shingles B02.7

Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans L90.4
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans: Livid erythema on the back of the right hand and nail dystrophies in a 78-year-old female patient with confirmed neuroborreliosis 6 years ago. Cushion-like (pernion-like) plaques on the fingers. Persistent pain in the carpal and interphalangeal joints.

ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema T73.3

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Pronounced cheilitis granulomatosa as a monosymptomatic variant of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Cheilitis granulomatosa as monosymptomatic variant of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, central deep and painful lower lip rhagade.

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Cheilitis granulomatosa: bulging, firm swelling of lower and upper lip.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas. circumscribed, fiery red, sharply defined erythema with extensive swelling of the skin. distinct tension pain in the affected areas. submandibular lymph nodes are dolent swollen, there is chills and fever.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas: Solitary, acute, increasing for 4 days, blurred (with runners), flat, clearly increased in consistency, red, smooth plaque.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas, acute: a sharply defined, flat, rich reddening of the lower leg under high fever with the formation of blisters and blisters, accompanied by painful regional lymphadenitis.

Erysipelas A46
erysipelas.extensive, sharply defined, painful redness and plaque formation in the area of the lower leg. entry portal: macerated tinea pedum. secondary findings include fever and chills, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas, acute: a sharply defined, flat, rich reddening of the lower leg, accompanied by painful regional lymphadenitis.

Erysipelas A46
Erysipelas. painful redness and swelling of the left foot in a 65-year-old man with fever. In addition, in the corresponding lymph drainage area of the groin region single enlarged lymph nodes can be palpated.

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema exsudativum multiforme; distinct conjunctivitis, inflammatory crusty changes of the eyelid margins.

Erythema infectiosum B08.30
Erythema infectiosum: Intense, extensive, butterfly-shaped redness and swelling of the cheeks, accompanied by swelling of the cervical lymph nodes.

Erythrodermia L53.9
erythroderma. severe, universal redness of the face as well as scaling in the face of a 77-year-old patient with cutaneous t-cell lymphoma. chronic stationary, universal (from head to toe), itchy and burning, clearly consistency increased, rough (scaly) skin redness. ectropion of both lower eyelids.

Juvenile spring eruption L56.4
Spring perniosis: reddish-livid , succulent distension of the auricle with papules and beginning blistering in a 5-year-old boy.

Foot infection gram-negative L08.8

Foot infection gram-negative L08.8
In the area of the forefoot and the digites I and II, a foul-smelling, yellowish-smeary ulceration extending to the subcutis is visible. Furthermore, there are chronically stationary, long-standing, skin-coloured papules (papillomatosis cutis lymphostatica) aggregated to form bed formations, as well as partially whitish macerated toe spaces.

Foot infection gram-negative L08.8

Foot infection gram-negative L08.8
foot infection, gram negative with intergital fly maggot infestation

Gynecomastia N62.x
Gynecomastia: enlargement of the mammary gland on both sides in male HIV patients while taking protease inhibitors.

Back of the hand edema, chronic traumatic R60.0

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: Solitary or grouped standing, 1-3 mm large, formerly tightened, but now burst vesicles on erythematous skin on the scrotum and penis of an 8-month-old, otherwise healthy infant.

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: severe and extensive, multifocal herpes simplex infection of the lower lip with pronounced collateral swelling; underlying HIV infection