Image diagnoses for "Armpit"
45 results with 80 images
Results forArmpit

Reticulohistiocytosis(s) D76.3
Reticulohistiocytosis(s): Disseminated to lenticular, reddish-brownish papules in the armpit area, low itching, accompanied by arthropathy.

Acanthosis nigricans benigna L83
acanthosis nigricans benigna: known diabetes mellitus. velvety, sour transformation of the axillary skin. foetor by sweat decomposition.

Acanthosis nigricans benigna L83
Acanthosis nigricans benigna: blurred, hyperpigmented, verrucous plaques; hyperhidrosis.

Acne conglobata L70.1
Acne conglobata with pronounced acne inversa in a 32-year-old man; in the axillary region healing with bulging scars.

Acne conglobata L70.1
Acne conglobata: with accompanying severe acne inversa with extensive scarring induration of the entire axilla as well as strand-like scars which have led to a restriction of mobility in the shoulder joint.

Acne inversa L73.2
Acne inversa: multiple, chronically stationary, intertriginous localized, disseminated, flat-elevated, blurred, brown, smooth, partly shiny papules and nodules in a 47-year-old patient; similar skin lesions were found in other intertriginous areas of his body.

Acne inversa L73.2

Alopecia areata universalis L63.1

Alopecia areata universalis L63.1

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis (Darier's disease) : Approximately 0.3-0.4 cm in size, disseminated, yellow-brown, little scaling papules and plaques.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-

Fibroma molle (skin tags) D23.-
Soft fibromas: Numerous, stalked, penduptive, soft, skin-coloured or slightly brownish, symptomless outgrowths in the axilla region.

Fibroma molle (skin tags) D23.-
Soft filiform fibroma: Multiple skin polyps of varying size, brownish red, soft, with a fielded surface.

Fibroma pendulans D21.-
Fibroma pendulans: narrowly basal, soft, skin-coloured tumour in the armpit area.

Fox-fordyce's disease L75.2
Fox-Fordyce's disease: skin-colouredpapules that are itchy, especially in cases of physical exertion associated with sweating.

Galli-galli disease Q82.8
Galli-Galli, M. Disseminated, spotted, partly also confluent red-brown spots, papules and plaques.

Suppurative hidradenitis L73.2
Hidradenitis suppurativa. chronic recurrent inflammation with painful nodules and plate-like scarring.

Suppurative hidradenitis L73.2
Hidradenitis suppurativa. chronic persistent brownish tinged rope ladder-like scarring in the left axilla of a 26-year-old man. strong nicotine abuse for 12 years. currently no fresh florid inflammations or fistulations.

Suppurative hidradenitis L73.2
Hidradenitis suppurativa: chronically persistent, brownish or reddish livid scarring in the right axilla of a severely obese 48-year-old man; multiple, partly florid, red plaques and nodules; strong nicotine abuse for 30 years; multiple antibiotic systemic therapies were sine effectu.

Lichen planus exanthematicus L43.81

Lichen planus exanthematicus L43.81
Lichen planus exanthematicus. besides the signs of exanthematic lichen planus, obesity induced acanthosis nigricans of the axilla.

Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris Q82.8
Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris. Greasy, sharply defined, rough plaque in the area of the armpit, interspersed with multiple fissures. Striae (chronic glucocorticoid application) appear in the surrounding area.