Image diagnoses for "white"
207 results with 695 images
Results forwhite

Leukoplakia oral (overview) K13.2
Leukoplakia, oral: chronically inpatient (duration unclear), 1.5 x 3.0 cm in size, painless, slightly increased in consistency, white plaque, slightly sour, cannot be wiped off with a spatula. nicotine abuse for 25 years.

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex localized (Weber-Cockayne) Q81.0
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Weber-Cockayne. acute, large blister occurring in the area of the heel after light walking. frequent occurrence of blistering after minor trauma within the family. mild form of epidermolysis simplex with blistering as a consequence of relatively minor traumatic stress on hands and feet.

Lichen planus mucosae L43.8
Lichen planus mucosae: white papules and plaques of the buccal mucosa, which condense at the end of the teeth. extensive infestation of the tongue. the mucosal changes have existed for a few months and occurred in the course of an exanthematic lichen planus.

Leprosy (overview) A30.9
Leprosy (dimorphic leprosy): here as tuberculoid borderline type with large-area hardly infiltrated, hypopigmented hypaesthetic plaque

Leukoplakia K13.2
Leukoplakia of the glans with accompanying balonoposthititis and beginning transformation into a penis carcinoma.

Alopecia parvimaculata L66.81

Folliculitis decalvans L66.2
Folliculitits decalvans: Scarring alopecia with shiny hairless area and tufts of hair at the edges.

Vulvar lichen sclerosus N90.4
Lichen sclerosus of the vulva: moderately pronounced lichen sclerosus with focal extensive whitish sclerosing of vulva and perineum, for further explanation see the following figure

Half-and-half nails L60.8
half and half nails. white coloration of the proximal half of the nail plate and sharply defined red or brown coloration of the distal half of the nail plate. finger and toenails are affected. the milky white coloration of the free-standing nail plate indicates a simultaneous scleronychia.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma (linear type) "Burnt out" linear scleroderma with blurred, clearly indurated, whitish atrophic plaques without any signs of inflammation; apart from a slight feeling of tension no other subjective symptoms.

Vitiligo (overview) L80
Vitiligo (differential diagnosis): Halo-like depigmentation of the skin in metastasized melanoma; Balau-translucent the deep cutaneous melanoma metastases.

Alopecia marginalis L65.9
Alopecia marginalis: Hair thinning and focal hairlessness due to constant, hairstyle-related pulling on the hair at the forehead hairline and parietally. 22-year-old woman who until recently wore tightly bound raster curls.

Lichen nitidus L44.1
lichen nitidus. non-itching 0.2-0.3 cm large, individually and aggregated standing, surface smooth papules in the area of the penis shaft. condition after circumcision.

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: severe and extensive, multifocal herpes simplex infection of the lower lip with pronounced collateral swelling; underlying HIV infection

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis plantaris: dry keratotic plaque type. typical infestation pattern with flat lamellar desquamation, tendency to rhagade formation.

Pityriasis versicolor (overview) B36.0
Pityriasis versicolor alba: Depigmentation after the fungal infection has already healed, negative effect with subsequent tanning of the skin.