Tinea pedis (overview) Images
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Tinea pedum (moccasin type). general view: For about 13 years non-healing redness and scaling, partly with severe itching, in the area of the right foot in a 30-year-old female patient. sharply defined, marginal scaling erythema, pustular formation, swelling of the foot with limited walking ability.

Tinea pedum, detail enlargement: Sharply defined, marginal scaly erythema, pustular formation, scaly seam along the edge of the foot and multiple scratch excoriations, some of which are crusty.

Tinea pedum. general view: Persistent redness and scaling, partly with severe itching, in the area of the left foot in a 30-year-old female patient, which has not healed for about 13 years. sharply defined, marginal scaling erythema, pustular formation.

Tinea pedum, detail enlargement: Sharply defined, marginal scaly erythema, pustular formation, scaly seam along the edge of the foot and multiple scratch excoriations, some of which are crusty.

Tinea pedis with Tinea unguium: dry scaling schlcht adjacent plaque of the back of the foot with pronounced dystrophic Tinea unguium

Tinea pedum. general view: Discrete, well-defined, heart-shaped, slightly scaly hyperkeratosis and erythema on the right foot back of an 80-year-old female patient with exacerbated tinea pedum.

Tinea pedum: discrete, well defined, heart-shaped, slightly scaly erythema and hyperkeratosis on the right foot back of an 80-year-old female patient with exacerbated tinea pedum.

Tinea pedum: General view: For months persistent scaling with moderate itching; blurred, marginal scaling erythema.

Tinea pedum: Close-up; coarse lamellar scaling persisting for months with moderate itching.

Tinea pedum. general view: Discrete, well defined, heart-shaped, reddened, slightly scaly erythema and hyperkeratosis on the left inner side of the foot in an 80-year-old female patient with exacerbated tinea pedum. The prominent hallux valgus is altered with the same efflorescences.

Tinea pedum (interdigital type). macerated, whitish, swollen skin in the 4th interdigital space in a 42-year-old woman

Tinea pedum. macerated, whitish, swollen skin and small erosions in the 1st interdigital space in a 42-year-old woman.

Tinea pedis(interdigital type) with dyshidrotic blistering in the surroundings.