(¤ 1896, † 1950) Dermatologist, working in Freiburg/Br., Kiel. Paul-Wilhelm Schmidt was born on 13 January 1896 in Dülmen/Westphalia as the son of a lawyer. In Dülmen he passed his school-leaving exams, later he did 4 years of military service and then studied medicine. In 1923, after the state examination, he became dermatological assistant to Georg Alexander Rost in Freiburg, later to Alfred Stühmer, with whom he moved to Münster in 1925. 1929 habilitation. In 1932 he and Stühmer opened the lupus sanatorium in Hornheide. 1934 Appointment as an extraordinary professor. 1943 Call to the dermatological clinic in Kiel. 1947 he was appointed "personal full professor". Paul-Wilhelm Schmidt died unexpectedly in 1950 in Hamburg as a result of an operation. His successor was Albin Proppe. Field(s) of research: Allergology, occupational dermatology, serodiagnosis of syphilis.