Scabies nodosa Images
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Scabies granulomatosa. after anti-cabial therapy persistent, severely itchy, grouped papules; individual nodules show streaky runners (see upper right) or are longitudinal in themselves.

Scabies granulomatosa; after antiscabial therapy persistent, severely itching, reddish-brown, solitary or grouped papules in an 81-year-old resident who had been treated with lindane in a scabies epidemic.

Scabies granulomatosa, detail section: Intensely itchy, reddish, solitary or grouped papules on the thorax of an 81-year-old resident who had been treated with lindane in a scabies epidemic.

Scabies granulomatosa, highly itchy (especially at night), solitary papules and nodules on the lower back and buttocks of an 85-year-old female patient.

Scabies granulomatosa. 62-year-old patient with an allegedly healed scabies infection. 0.6-0.8 cm large, red to red-blue papules with a reddish border and scaly or crusty surface persist.

Scabies granulomatosa: In a 55-year-old patient, severe itching (especially at night), disseminated, 0.2-0.4 cm large, centrally eroded, red, rough papules with central scaling, especially on the penis and scrotum, gluteal and in the interdigital spaces.