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Rothman, stephan

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 03.07.2021

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch

Biographical details
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(¤ 10.9.1894, † 1963) Dermatologist. Stephan Rothman (in English writing "Stephen") was born in Budapest to wealthy Jewish parents. After graduating from high school, he was able to complete his medical studies in the Imperial Hungarian Army in addition to his "war service".1920 dermatological specialist training with Albert Jesionek in Giessen. 1928 he became director of the dermatological clinic in Budapest. 1938 emigration to Chicago. 1943 in succession to the two dermatologists Samuel Becker and Maximilian Ernst Obermayer, appointment as Director of the Dermatological Department. 1945 Appointed full professor at the University of Chicago. The main focus of his research was in the field of descriptive clinical demratology and the biochemistry of the skin. His work on lipogranulomatosis subcutanea, also known as Rothman-Makai syndrome, published in 1894, and his first description of the paraneoplastic " erythema necroticans migrans" in 1942 are groundbreaking.

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  1. Rothmann M (1894) On inflammation and atrophy of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Virchows Arch Catholic Anat 136: 159-169
  2. Becker SW, Kahn D, Rothman S (1942) Cutaneous manifestations of internal malignant tumors. Arch Dermatol Syphilol 45: 1069-1080

Incoming links (2)

Jesionek, albert; Nékám, lajos;


Last updated on: 03.07.2021