Purpura pigmentosa progressive Images
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Purpura eczematide-like purpura: non-symptomatic (no itching) "eczema-like" disease that has been recurrent for months in a completely healthy patient (no history of medication).

Purpura eczematid-like Purpura: explanatory detail.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. irregularly configured, reddish-brownish spots with petechiae that cannot be pushed away (cayenne pepper spots).

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. reflected light microscopy, blurred, yellowish-brownish spots (haemosiderin) next to punctiform, fresh bleedings.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. incident light microscopy, blurred, yellow-brownish spots (star), in addition to punctiform, fresh bleeding (horizontal arrow) also older brown-reddish spots already in decomposition (vertical arrow). line pattern: traced skin line pattern of the skin of the lower leg

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. discrete blurred red to red-brown spots. slight itching. occurs after taking ibuprofen due to a flu-like infection.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. discrete blurred red to red-brown spots. slight itching. occurs after taking ibuprofen due to a flu-like infection.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: aetiologically unexplained (medication?) pronounced clinical picture that has been changing for several months with symmetrically distributed, disseminated, non-itching, yellow-brown, spots (detailed picture).

Purpura pigmentosa progressica (type: Purpura anularis teleangiectodes): brown-red anular, by confluence also serpiginous foci. no significant itching. sporadically also largely faded only shadowy spots

Purpura pigmentosa progressica (type: Purpura anularis teleangiectodes): brown-red anular, also cocard-like (ring-in-ring structure) by confluence also serpiginous foci. no significant itching. sporadically also largely faded only shadowy spots.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. acute episode with dense distribution of punctiform, red, non-push-off spots (bleeding). in addition, extensive brown coloration (hemosiderin deposition) in the area of the lower legs.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: aetiologically unexplained (medication?) pronounced clinical picture that has been changing for several months, with symmetrically distributed, disseminated, anular, non-expressable(!), non-itching, yellow-brown, spots (detailed picture).

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: etiologically unexplained (medication?) pronounced clinical picture that has been changing for several months with symmetrically distributed, disseminated, non-itching, yellow-brown, spots.

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: aetiologically unexplained (medication?) pronounced clinical picture that has been changing for several months with symmetrically distributed, disseminated, non-itching, yellow-brown, spots (detailed picture).

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: aetiologically unexplained (medication probably) distinct clinical picture with symmetrically distributed, disseminated, anular, non-itching, red-brown (cannot be pushed away), spots (detailed picture).

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: Intact epithelium, sparse, perivascularly compressed round cell infiltrates, erythrocyte extravasations in the upper dermis (see following figure)

Purpura pigmentosa progressiva: Dermis slightly edematous loosened. vertical arrow indicates a broadly cut papillary body. in the square: numerous (fresh) erythrocyte extravasations. encircled a smaller dermal vessel with perivascular infiltrate sleeve of lymphocytes.