Itch-bladder addiction; Picker`s nodule; Prurigo diseases; Prurigo Group
DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Etiologically and morphologically heterogeneous group of intensely itchy, papular skin diseases with acute, sub-acute or chronic course. Primary lesions are papules with or without vesicles or intensively itchy, urticarial lesions.
ClassificationThis section has been translated automatically.
The prurigo diseases can be subdivided as follows:
- Primary prurigo:
- Strophulus infantum (prurigo simplex acuta)
- Prurigo simplex subacuta
- Prurigo , chronic (prurigo nodularis).
- Secondary prurigo in internal diseases, especially due to:
- Diabetes mellitus ( Prurigo diabetica)
- Chronic terminal renal failure (prurigo uraemica)
- Chronic liver disease ( prurigo hepatica)
- Gout disease (prurigo uratica)
- Myeloproliferative diseases (e.g. prurigo lymphogranulomatotica in Hodgkin's disease)
- Prurigo paraneoplastica.
- Other prurigo diseases (diseases that can be assigned to other entities):
- Prurigo, actinic (Hutchinson`s summer prurigo)
- Prurigo form of atopic eczema
- Prurigo pigmentosa.
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DiagnosisThis section has been translated automatically.
Prurigo test program (varies according to stand)
General laboratory values
- CBC with differential blood count
- iron, ferritin, transferrin
- calcium, phosphate, creatinine, urea
- Transaminases (GOP, GPT, GGT) LDH, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, hepatitis serology
- Protein, glucose (Hb A1C)
- Urine status, possibly creatinine clearance
- Stool test for occult blood
- only with anal pruritus: worm eggs, parasites (e.g. Giardia lamblia)
instrumental diagnostics
- X-ray thorax, X-ray spine (in case of localized itching)
- Sonography abdomen and lymph nodes
Further examinations depending on the anamnesis and previous findings
- Protein electrophoresis, possibly immune electrophoresis to exclude paraproteins(MGUS)
- Antinuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA), anti-gliadin antibodies, anti-transglutaminase antibodies (see below dermatitis herpetiformis)
- Electrolytes, parathormone, porphyrins (see porphyrinemias), iron levels
- vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc
- HIV status
- If necessary, tryptase determination (see mastocytosis)
- Bacteriological and mycological smears
TherapyThis section has been translated automatically.
Note(s)This section has been translated automatically.
In American literature the term "prurigo" is not a common term, except for the prurigo nodularis and the actinic prurigo (Ständer S 2018).
LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.
- Stand S (2018) Pruritus, Prurigo. In: Braun-Falco`s Dermatology, Venerology Allergology G. Plewig et al (Hrsg) Springer Verlag S 587
- Topal SG et al (2017) The Value of Etiological Tests and Skin Biopsy in the Management of Prurigo Simplex Subacuta. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 25:276-278.
Incoming links (13)
Autogenic training; Capsici fructus acer; Eosinophilic cellulitis ; Gluten-Related Dermatological Disorders; Itch-bladder addiction; Nemolizumab; Pemphigoid scarring disseminated; Pregnancy dermatosis polymorphic; Prurigo Activity Score (PAS); Pruritic; ... Show allOutgoing links (14)
Actinic Prurigo; Chronic prurigo; Dermatitis herpetiformis; Diabetic prurigo; Hodgkin's lymphoma, skin manifestations; Lambliasis; Mastocytosis (overview); Paraproteinemic skin diseases; Porphyrinemia; Prurigo form of atopic dermatitis; ... Show allDisclaimer
Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.