Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell b-cell lymphoma leg type Images
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Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: Survey image : Since about 12 months persistent, slowly progressing, about 4-5 cm in diameter, irregularly shaped, bulging, deep red tumor with smooth surface in a 75-year-old patient with a central atrophic, scar-like aspect.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: Detail magnification: Approx. 4-5 cm diameter, irregularly shaped, bulging, deep red tumor with smooth surface of a 75-year-old patient.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: since 6 months existing, steadily growing, not painful conglomerate, moderately consistency increased red surface smooth nodule, no systemic involvement proven, therapy: excision.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: Condition after a spacious excision of the recurrence; follow-up irradiation of the entire surgical site.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: nodules and plaques on the lower leg of a 65-year-old woman, which have been present for several months and have been growing rapidly over the last few weeks, partly plate-like, partly nodular, completely painless, surface-smooth.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: red nodules occurringwithin a few months in an otherwise healthy 54-year-old woman.

Lymphoma, cutaneous diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: Approx. 10-12 cm diameter, irregularly shaped, deep red tumor with a smooth surface, in a 69-year-old patient.

primary diffuse diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: for about2 years papules and nodules on the left leg of a 55 years old woman appearing in relapses. in the last weeks rapid growth of the pre-existing nodules and eruptive appearance of new nodules. initially no symptoms. since 2 months increasing tendency to dry and also weeping surface scaling. in places complete decay of the nodules.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: For about 2 years papules and nodules on the left leg of a 55 years old woman appearing in relapses. In the last weeks rapid growth of the pre-existing nodules and eruptive appearance of new ones. Initially no symptoms. For 2 months increasing tendency to surface scaling and ulcer formation.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: Condition after excision, in loco-reidive after about 6 months.

Primary cutaneous diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma leg type: a 3-month-old , constantly growing, non-painful, blurred, moderately consistency increased (consistency of soft eraser), red surface smooth lump in an otherwise healthy woman.