Naevus melanocytic common Images
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Nevus melanocytic common: Copoun-type melanocytic nevus existingsince early childhood.

Nevus melanocytic common: melanocytic nevus existingsince earliest childhood. No symptoms. No growth.

Nevus melanocytic common: melanocytic nevus existingsince earliest childhood. No symptoms. No growth.

Ordinary melanocytic nevus: reflected light microscopy.

Nevus melanocytic common: long-standing melanocytic nevus. No symptoms. No growth.

Nevus melanocytic more common: Initially "brown birthmark" of melanocytic nevus of dermal type known for decades.

Nevus melanocytic common: melanocytic nevus existingsince earliest childhood. No symptoms. No growth.

Nevus melanzytärer common of the Areola mamillae.

Nevus melanocytic common: multiple acquired melanocytic nevi (detailed picture).

Common melanocytic nevus:Symmetrically structured melanocytic compound nevus of junctional and dermal cell nests with basal maturation coveredby papillomatous squamousepithelium. The nests are superficially discontinuously pigmented, accompanied by melanophages. The squamous epithelium is narrowed and with elongated reticules, covered by lamellar hyperkeratosis.
Extension along the hair follicles in strands, here partly neuroid cytomorphology of melanocytes.

Nevus melanocytic more common: sharp border of the melanocytic nevus to the colored inked deposition border (here blue)

Nevus melanocytic more common: junctional and dermal melanocytic cell nests, superficially epitheloid and differently pigmented.

Nevus melanocytic more common: Extension of basally maturing melanocytes along a hair follicle as a feature of a congenital melanocytic nevus

Nevus melanocytic more common: dermal nevoid melanocytes with monomorphic nucleus and only a few single nucleoli.

Nevus melanocytic more common: dermal n evoid melanocytes with monomorphic nucleus and only a few single nucleoli in here neuroid cytomorphological features with a wider pale eosinophilic cytoplasmic border