Lichen simplex chronicus Images
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Lichen simplex chronicus: 14x7.0 large, itchy, blurred plaque with rough surface on the right forearm of a 32-year-old female patient; the papule structure of the lesion is distinctly skin-coloured and occasionally scratched.

Lichen simplex chronicus. approx. 3 x 5 cm large, itchy plaque with rough surface on the ventro-medial right lower leg of a 14-year-old female patient. In the surrounding area distinct scratch artefacts and also follicularly bound papules. In case of stress worsening; during stays at sea improvement of the findings.

Lichen simplex chronicus indark skin. 0.1-0.2 cm large, marginally disseminated, firm brown-black (red shade is missing) papules which confluent in the centre of the lesion to form a flat, lichenoid shiny plaque.

Lichen simplex chronicus. detail enlargement: Strongly itchy, 0.1-0.2 cm large, solid, sharply defined, flat, skin-coloured to reddish papules and plaques as well as scratch excoriations.

Lichen simplex chronicus: chronic plaque consisting of peripherally disseminated, solid, red papules confluent in the centre of the lesion; intermittent itching leading to unsuppressible scratching

Lichen simplex chronicus indark skin. several lesions with 0.1-0.2 cm large, marginally disseminated, firm brown-black papules confluent in the centre of the lesions. permanent itching.

Lichen simplex chronicus in dark skin. 0.1-0.2 cm large, marginally disseminated, firm brown-black (red shade is missing) papules, which have confluated into a flat plaque in the centre of the lesion. Permanent itching, which increases under stress.

Lichens implex chronicus of the vulva in a 40-year-old female patient. extensive reddening Lichenification of the labia majora and labia minora. numerous smaller chafing effects Fig. from Eiko E. Petersen,Farbatlas der Vulvaerkrankungen. with the prior approval of Kaymogyn GmbH Freiburg.

Lichen simplex chronicus: approx. 18x12cm large, itchy plaque with rough surface left lower leg of a 25-year-old female patient. in the loosened marginal area the primary papular structure of the lesion is visible. DD: Lichen amyloidosus.

Lichen simplex chronicus. 42-year-old man. 1 year old, hardly scaly, flat raised, intermittently itching red papules and plaques.

Lichen simplex chronicus. pronounced acanthosis with irregular elongation of the reticules. moderate orthohyperkeratosis with focal strong parahyperkeratosis. wide capillaries in the stratum papillare as well as in the upper dermis. mainly vascular, but also diffuse, sparse lymphohistiocytic infiltrate. distinct fibrosis of the upper dermis, with collagen bundles running perpendicular to the epidermis.