Lichen planus atrophicans Images
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Lichen planus atrophicans. atrophying Lichen planus existing for several years. recurrent, spontaneous formation of erosions and also flat ulcers. resistance to therapy.

Lichen planus atrophicus (Graham Little) with complete loss of fingernails.

Lichen planus atrophicans: Lichen planopilaris with consecutive scarring alopecia (pseudopelade)

Lichen planus atrophicans. atrophying lichen planus existing for 10 years, which manifested itself predominantly on the left foot. recurrent formation of blisters and ulcers. the chronic ulcer on the sole of the foot presented here turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma.

Lichen planus atrophicans. dense band-shaped lymphocytic infiltrate. distinct epidermotropy. vacuole degeneration of the basal epithelia. extensive atrophy of the surface epithelium.