Incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger) Images
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Incontinentia pigmenti, type Bloch-Sulzberger (back part): a few weeks old girl with grouped blisters and extensive erosions.

Incontinentia pigmenti, Bloch-Sulzberger type: a few weeks old girl with flat and streaky, inflammatory, in places hardly noticeable blistery skin changes.

Incontinentia pigmenti, type Bloch-Sulzberger, garland-shaped pigmentation on the thigh along the Blaschko lines in a 10-month-old girl.

Incontinentia pigmenti, type Bloch-Sulzberger, garland-shaped pigmentation on the forearm along the Blaschko lines in a 10-month-old girl.

Incontinentia pigmenti, Bloch-Sulzberger type. Garland-shaped pigmentation on the mother's thigh.