Hand-foot-mouth disease Images
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Hand-foot-mouth disease: painful 0.3-0.4 cm large, whitish blisters (arrows) on the gingiva and the skin of the lower lip, also on the hard palate.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: painful 0.3-0.4 cm large, whitish blisters (arrows) on the gingiva and the skin of the lower lip, also on the hard palate, which have been present for a few days.

hand-foot-mouth disease:fresh and older painful blisters (and pustules) with a red courtyard that have appeared in several attackssince 1week; individual aphthous lesions on the palate and the lip mucosa; unspecific flu-like prodromas that have persisted for about 2 weeks before.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: since about 1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet, about 1-2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodrome.

hand-foot-mouth disease: since about1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: for about 1 week, painful, blisters, blisters and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: for about1 week, painful, blisters, blisters and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa.

hand-foot-mouth disease: since about1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: painful 0.3 cm large erythema and papules.

hand-foot-mouth disease: since 1week occurrence of painful, blisters (and pustules) with red courtyard. single painful aphtae on the palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromia.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: for about1 week, painful, blisters, blisters and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa.

Hand-foot-mouth disease. few, acute, painful blisters with a red courtyard. unspecific flu-like prodromies that had lasted about 2 weeks before.

hand-foot-mouth disease: since about1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: since about 1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet; about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

Hand-foot-mouth disease. few, acute, painful, polygonal vesicles with a red courtyard. unspecific flu-like prodromies that had persisted about 2 weeks before.

hand-foot-mouth disease. few, acute, disseminated, painful, intermittently shooting, polygonal vesicles with red edges. unspecific prodromies (fever, headache, rhinitis, gastrointestinal symptoms) lasting about 2 weeks before.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: Healed blisters in an expired disease with typical symptoms.

Healed blisters in an expired disease with typical symptoms, now circulatory desquamation.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: for about1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

hand-foot-mouth disease: since about1 week, painful, blisters, pustules and papules on hands and feet. single aphthous lesions on palate and lip mucosa. about 2 weeks before, unspecific flu-like prodromas.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: acute flare of a hand-foot-mouth disease with numerous painful blisters.

Hand-foot-mouth disease, painful 0.3 cm large erythema, papules, aggregated blisters as well as extensive skin detachment on the toes after previous blister formation.

Hand-foot-mouth disease: numerous, acute, painful, polygonal vesicles with a red courtyard; unspecific flu-like prodromas lasting about 2 weeks before.

hand-foot-mouth disease: fresh and older painful blisters (and pustules) with a red courtyard that have appeared in several attackssince 1 week; individual apthous lesions on the palate and the lip mucosa; unspecific flu-like prodromas that have persisted for about 2 weeks before.