Fasciitis eosinophil M35.4

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 14.05.2021

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Diffuse fasciitis with eosinophilia; eosinophilic fasciitis; Eosinophilic fasciitis; Fasciitis diffuse with eosinophilia; Shulman Syndrome

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Shulman, 1974

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Rare, acute scleroderma-like (or associated) disease with doughy, edematous, red swelling and indurations of the extremities in connection with pronounced blood eosinophilia, elevated CRP and hypergammaglobulinemia of unknown origin (probably a clinical picture belonging to the circumscipt scleroderma group).

There is great clinical similarity with the " Eosinophilic-Myalgie-Syndrome" first described in 1989, which occurs after taking tryptophane, and the " Toxic-Oil-Syndrome" after consumption of contaminated cooking oil.

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Unknown. Probably a defect in the immune system. Questionable connection with previous physical exertion or trauma. Possible association with thrombocytopenia, aplastic or haemolytic anaemia. Occurrence in the context of Lyme borreliosis is possible.

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Mostly occurring in middle adulthood (2nd-6th decade of life). In childhood mostly occurring in the female sex (75%), in later life balanced ratio. Occurs frequently after previous physical exertion or trauma.

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Occurs symmetrically on the extremities, especially on the forearms. Rarely localized on the trunk and face.

Clinical features
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Sudden onset of initially doughy, painful, red swellings followed rapidly by woody indurations of deep tissues. The veins appear sunken (negative vein drawing).

The fascial indurations are in the foreground of the changes, whereby the sclerosing inflammation can also spread to the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the lower parts of the dermis. Clinically typical for the disease (also in differentiation to systemic scleroderma) is the easy displaceability of the skin over the deep, wood-like firm sclerosing zones. Fingers and toes remain unaffected.

Frequent development of joint contractures and carpal tunnel syndrome. Occasional accompanying arthralgias, myositis, paresthesias of the fingers. No involvement of internal organs, no Raynaud's phenomenon.

In recent years, other associated diseases have been described: Hashimoto's thyroiditis, co-involvement of lung, esophagus, myocardium, kidney, colon and CNS. Associations with carcinoma of the breast or prostate.

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In over 90% blood eosinophilia up to 50% (500-200 eosinophiles/µl); CRP elevation; BSG acceleration; hypergammaglobulinemia; slight CK elevation. ANA and rheumatoid factor are usually negative.

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Note: For histological confirmation a deep and sufficiently large excision biopsy is necessary.

Marked thickening and sclerosing of the fascia; in some cases fibrotic strands protrude into the overlying subcutaneous fatty tissue. Lymphoplasmocellular infiltrate of varying degrees, possibly with infiltration of eosinophils of varying density. Muscle involvement with degeneration of the muscle fibres is possible.

Direct Immunofluorescence
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Immunoglobulins andC3 in the epidermal basement membrane zone and perivascularly or diffusely in the connective tissue of the fascia. They are diagnostically irrelevant.

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Clinical, blood eosinophilia, histoeosinophilia, no organ involvement or Raynaud's symptoms, hypergammaglobulinemia. For histological examination: biopsy en bloc with dermis, subcutis, fascia and muscle tissue.

Differential diagnosis
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External therapy
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Lymph drainage (see lymphedema), careful massage.

Radiation therapy
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Success under therapy with UVA1 irradiation has been observed in case reports of eosinophilic fasciitis.

Internal therapy
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Glucocorticoids in medium dosage such as prednisolone 1 mg/kg bw/day are the treatment of choice. Prompt regression of the inflammatory signs is expected, indurations persist longer. If the symptoms progress, increase the dose of glucocorticoids up to 100 mg/day. According to the clinical findings, slow reduction to the lowest possible maintenance dose.

If necessary, combination with azathioprine (e.g. Imurek) 1-2 mg/kg bw/day (saving glucocorticoids!). Therapy failures as well as spontaneous remissions are known.

Other immunomodulatory system therapeutics can be used in addition: cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, chloroquine. Positive individual results have been described with extracorporeal photopheresis and interferon alfa.

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Chronic, intermittent course; prompt response to systemic glucocorticoids.

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  7. Romano C et al (2003) Extracorporeal photochemotherapy in the treatment of eosinophilic fasciitis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 17: 10-13
  8. Shulman LE (1974) Diffuse fasciitis with hyperglobulinemia and eosinophilia: A new syndrome? J Rheumatology (Toronto) 1: S46
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Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 14.05.2021