Collagenosis reactive perforating Images
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Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12-month-old female patient: Itchy papules with a central depression and a hyperkeratotic clot on the upper back and the upper arm extensor sides.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12 monthsago for the first time appeared itchy papules of different size with central depression and hyperkeratotic plug.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating papules: Itchy red papules of varying size, first appearing about 12 months ago, with a central depression and hyperkeratotic clot; central crust formation is already detectable in early inflammatory papules.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: Itchy red papules of varying size, first appearing about 12 months ago, with central depression and hyperkeratotic clot; detailed view.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: for 1 year continuous new formations of 0.1-0.5 cm large, slightly itchy, coarse, red, rough papules, which disintegrate centrally during growth and are covered with an adherent crust.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: for 1 year continuous new formations of 0.1-0.5 cm large, slightly itchy, coarse, red, rough papules, which disintegrate centrally during growth and are covered with an adherent crust.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: detailed view, older and younger efflorescences.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: detailed view, older and younger efflorescences.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating p apules: first appeared about 8 months ago, itchy papules with central depression and hyperkeratotic clot, no known underlying disease.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: dense, disseminated distribution of lesions, some of which are linearly arranged (Koebner phenomenon).

Collagenosis, reactive perforating. Articular, disseminated arrangement of the lesions.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating: first appeared about 12 months ago, different size, itchy red papules with central depression and hyperkeratotic clot; the linear arrangement of efflroescences is typical.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating, chronically dynamic (continuous neoplasms since 1 year), 0.1-0.5 cm large, slightly itchy, rough, red, rough papules, which ulcerate centrally during growth.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating.

Collagenosis, reactive perforating. detail enlargement: solitary, 0.3-1.3 cm large, red papules with a coarse central horn plug. the smaller papules correspond to an early stage of the disease.