Cheilitis granulomatosa Images
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Cheilitis granulomatosa. 3-year-old disease symptoms. solitary, chronically dynamic, initially variable, for half a year permanent, clearly increased in consistency, indolent, red, smooth swelling of the upper lip and the adjacent cheek areas. no lingua plicata.

Cheilitis granulomatosa - here partial symptom of a Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome: solitary, for months recurrent, clearly consistency increased, indolent, red, smooth swelling of the upper lip. Simultaneously occurring furrowing of the tongue relief (lingua plicata). One-time short-term paralysis of the left side of the face (facial nerve paresis). Occasionally migraine-like headache.

Cheilitis granulomatosa: initially recurrent, now chronic persistent swelling of the upper and lower lip.

Cheilitis granulomatosa with pearlèche.

Cheilitis granulomatosa: Disease symptoms that have existed for 1-2 years with an initially variable course, for half a year now permanent, clearly increased consistency, red, smooth swelling of the lower lip and chin region.

Cheilitis granulomtosa: Monosymptomatic orofacial granulomatosis. solitary, chronic, recurrent for months, clearly increased consistency, smooth swelling of the upper lip accompanied by a feeling of tightness. no lingua plicata. no facial paresis.

Cheilitis granulomatosa as monosymptomatic variant of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, central deep and painful lower lip rhagade.

Cheilitis granulomatosa: bulging, firm swelling of lower and upper lip.

Pronounced cheilitis granulomatosa as a monosymptomatic variant of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

Cheilitis granulomatosa: monosymptomatic granulomatosis of the lower lip.

Cheilitis granulomtosa: Monosymptomatic orofacial granulomatosis. solitary, chronically dynamic, recurrent for months, markedly increased in consistency, indolent, red, smooth swelling of the lower lip. no lingua plicata. no facial paresis.

Cheilitis granulomatosa as partial manifestation of a Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome.

Cheilitis granulomtosa: Monosymptomatic orofacial granulomatosis. solitary, chronic, recurrent for months, clearly increased consistency, smooth swelling of the upper lip accompanied by a feeling of tension. no lingua plicata. no facial paresis.

Cheilitis granulomtosa: Monosymptomatic orofacial granulomatosis. solitary, chronic, recurrent for months, clearly increased consistency, smooth swelling of the upper lip accompanied by a feeling of tension. no lingua plicata. no facial paresis.

Cheilitis granulomtosa: Monosymptomatic orofacial granulomatosis. solitary, chronic, recurrent for months, clearly increased consistency, smooth swelling of the upper lip accompanied by a feeling of tension. no lingua plicata. no facial paresis.