
Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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AL Integrin; LFA-1; Lymphocyte function- associatd antigen 1

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Markers for: B cells, T cells, monocytes, activated platelets, granulocytes, macrophages

Structure: Transmembrane glycoprotein (170 kDa)

Note: Belongs to the integrins associated with a subunit of CD18; LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) promotes the adhesion of leukocytes to the vascular endothelium. Important ligands of LFA-1 are the intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs)

Application: FACS, IHC (P) (G), IF

(see below) Cluster of differentiation

General information
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Antibodies against LF-1 were used for the therapy of psoriasis with moderate success. In this type of treatment, a possible association with the development of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been identified. The drug was withdrawn from the market.

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  1. Hantschke M et al (2016) Immunohistological techniques. In: L. Cerroni et al. histopathology of the skin. Springer publishing house Berlin-Heidelberg p. 26-33.

Incoming links (3)

Cd102; CD classification; ICAM-1;

Outgoing links (1)

CD classification;


Last updated on: 29.10.2020