Café-au-lait stain Images
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Café-au-lait stains: in neurofibromatosis type I. 2 medium brown homogeneously coloured light brown rounded spots.

Café-au-lait stain: solitary finding; no evidence of peripheral neurofibromatosis (type I neurodfibromatosis)

Café-au-lait spots: in discrete neurofibromatosis type I. Several medium brown spots in the area of the lower and middle abdomen.

Café-au-lait spots: in neurofibromatosis type I. Several medium brown spots in the lumbar region.

café-au-lait stains. reflected light microscopy: detailed view from a lesion on the thigh in a 36-year-old woman. light brown, double contoured reticulation pattern as well as intact skin field lines. no other structural features.

differential diagnosis "café-au-lait stain": diagnosis: becker nevus. hyperpigmented(border areas marked with arrows), hypertrichotic epidermal nevus, in a 16-year-old female patient. circled: lichenified skin area. no complaints. therapy not necessary. hair could be depilated.