Breast dermatitis L30.9

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 23.02.2021

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch


atopic nipple eczema; dermatitis of the nipples; Eczema Nipple eczema; Jogger nipples; nipple eczema; Nipple Eczema

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Etiologically not further defined term for a dermatitis in the nipple area which frequently occurs as "minus variant" within the scope of an atopical dermatitis but also of other chronic dermatitis.

Clinical features
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Single- or double-sided, usually chronically inpatient, also recurrent, red or reddish-brown, slightly or severely scaling, occasionally also focal or extensive weeping, highly sensitive (occasionally the abrasive pressure of clothing is not tolerated), itchy or painful nipple (see also thelalgia). .

Differential diagnosis
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Treatment of the underlying disease. Exclusion of contact sensitization, scabies,

The frequently underlying atopic nipple eczema proves to be extraordinarily resistant to therapy. A class II steroid can be used for several days to break the vicious circle: itching - rubbing and scratching - erosions - oozing. Subsequently, blank therapy with antiphlogistic (e.g. ichthyol-containing) ointments in combination with black tea compresses.

Notice. In case of unilateral therapy-resistant "nipple eczema", a sample biopsy should be performed after 3 months at the latest to exclude Paget 's disease or Bowen 's disease of the nipple!


Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 23.02.2021