Ain Images
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AIN: perianally localized, less sympotmatic, extensive, whitish erosive plaque at 3 o'clock; secondary findings anal fissure at 6 o'clock (actual cause of the doctor's visit)

AIN: perianal area of velvety, brownish, flat, perianal localized areas with secondary condyloma acuminata at 9 and 12 o'clock.

AIN. Anal dysplasia. Large, hyperkeratotic area with smaller satellite lesions. The surface is granular and shows different areas of keratinization. Histologically, there was a grade 2 intraepithelial neoplasia.

AIN. AIN I: Broad, acanthotic epithelium with orthohyperkeratosis; in the lower third of the epithelial band numerous atypical keratinocytes with pynotic or also enlarged nuclei; few multinuclear keratinocytes, single dyskeratoses.

AIN. AIN I: Enlarged section; well defined basement membrane; several dyskeratotic keratinocytes, numerous nuclear pycnoses.

AIN. AIN III: Broad, acanthotic epithelium with parahyperkeratosis; atypical keratinocytes with pynotic or enlarged nuclei spread over the entire epithelial band; numerous dyskeratoses.

AIN, section of image (AIN III): Numerous pycnotic cells and dyskeratoses; several mitoses.