Hand and foot eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiformes Images
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Hand eczema hyperkeratotic-rhagadiformes: chronic hand eczema that has been recurrent for years; no known contact sensitization.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic rhagadiform eczema of the hands. 3-year-old man: Multiple, chronically recurrent, blurred, flat, yellowish-brown, rough, scaly plaques on the right hand of a 21-year-old man. Furthermore, several small, painful rhagades and smaller, artifactual excoriations are visible.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform eczema of the hand and foot; blurred hyperkeratotic eczema in the palm area with rhagade formation in the fingertips.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform hand and foot eczema, plate-like hyperkeratoses with deep rhagades in the area of the soles of the feet.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic rhagadiform eczema of the hands and feet. 3-year-old man: 3-year-old man with a chronic recurrent, blurred, flat, yellowish-brown, rough, strong, scaly plaques on the left hand of a 21-year-old man; several small, painful rhagades and smaller artifactual excoriations are visible.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform eczema of the hands and feet. detail enlargement: multiple, chronically recurrent, blurred, flat, yellowish-brown, rough plaques and rhagades on the right thumb of a 21-year-old man which appeared for the first time 3 years ago. dorsal on the thumb and on the back of the hand several, flat, blurred, red, rough spots are visible.

eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform eczema of the hands and feet. multiple, chronically stationary, on palms disseminated, up to 3.0 cm in size, blurred, rough, itchy, burning when washing, grey, rough plaques. in addition there are rhagades.

Eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform hand and foot eczema. chronic, polytopic, blurred, itchy, red, rough, partly scaly, partly crusty plaques with erosions and rhagades.

eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform eczema of hands and feet. chronic (dynamically changing), multiple, in places confluent, rough (scaly), also weeping, red, itchy plaques. blurred limitation on the wrist. painful rhagades.