Monilethrix Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Monilethrix
Monilethrix syndrome. 28-year-old female patient has had sparse hair growth with easily falling off hair since birth. According to the family history, the patient's brother and great-great-grandfather are also affected.

Monilethrix Syndrome. Enlargement: sparse hair growth, especially in the back of the head, sometimes with hair follicles becoming rarefied. The hair is sometimes only a few millimetres long, thin and fragile, with visible pearl-like thickening and pigment loss in between.

Monilethrix syndrome. detail enlargement: Rarefied hair growth and hair follicles in the area of the upper head. the hairs are partially broken off after only a few millimetres of growth. visible nodules with small skin-coloured follicular papules.

Monilethrix syndrome. detail enlargement: fragile, thin hairs with spindle formation can be seen; the thickened areas appear stronger, the thin segments less pigmented.

Monilethrix syndrome: Strangely shimmering (due to different reflections of light in the twisted areas), brittle hair with caliber fluctuations.