Cutaneous amyloidosis (overview) Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Cutaneous amyloidosis (overview)
Lichen amyloidosus, the most common form of cutaneous amyloidosis.

Macular (plaquelike) cutaneous amyloidosis: (see below the individual entities). Large areas of repeatedly discreetly itching, blurred, blunt, non-scaly patches and plaques. The symmetry of the plaques is interrupted at sites where there is obviously trauma to the areas (see interscapular left and lumbar region right). Here the plaques are significantly darker and more infiltrated.

Amyloidosis cutis nodularis atrophicans: Solitary, soft, brownish-yellowish nodule on the nostril (histologically confirmed as amyloidosis cutis) in a 27-year-old man without clinically detectable systemic amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis, cutaneous. electron microscopy: fine fibrillar substance; N = nucleus; fS = fine fibrillar substance; T = tonofilament.

Amyloidosis, cutaneous. electron microscopy: detailed enlargement of the fine fibrillar substance N = nucleus; fS = fine fibrillar substance; T = tonofilament.